Today turns 13. Started back in 2007 on this very day by Michael Berkens. I have now been here for 7 of them and it's been quite a ride. We have seen over 11,000 posts, 11 million page views and over 116,000 comments. The post that is number one by a wide margin, is a post written by Michael Berkens on June 24, 2014. “ Loses UDRP On” Michael did a post on … [Read more...]
List up to 3 .coms for sale $2,500 or less
We haven't done one in awhile and a couple readers emailed if there would be one before Black Friday for some potential extra spending money. List up to 3 names .com only $2,500 max price READ EVERYTHING FIRST so you are not surprised if your comment is not published or removed. If your first comment was not approved your second one won’t, it’s like how I say don’t email me or text me, … [Read more...]
Weekend blowout sell any name you like $299 or less
READ EVERYTHING FIRST so you are not surprised if your comment is not published or removed. ANY EXTENSION THIS WEEK – 10 Names max post more and you get blocked Of course with a lot of links some posts get held, they will be approved as soon as they are seen, some people repost their list with the note comment is being held for moderation. Don’t do that!!! Only going to get you blocked. … [Read more...]
Post your best .coms for sale up to $500
We took a month off from domain name sales, to those who kept emailing feel free to post. READ EVERYTHING FIRST so you are not surprised if your comment is not published or removed. You can list up to 10 .coms $500 or less Sell some domain names. Unless noted by an individual seller, prices only good for 1 week. You can make it 24 hours or 48 hours if you like but all prices expire 7/1 … [Read more...]
Post your best .coms for sale up to $500
READ EVERYTHING FIRST so you are not surprised if your comment is not published or removed. You can list up to 10 .coms $500 or less Sell some domain names. Unless noted by an individual seller, prices only good for 1 week. You can make it 24 hours or 48 hours if you like but all prices expire 7/1 so that way no one has to worry about someone finding the post months later and posting … [Read more...]
Post your best .coms for sale – blowout style
READ EVERYTHING FIRST so you are not surprised if your comment is not published or removed. Let's try to do a closeout/blowouts theme this week. No .com listed over $200. Dump some junk find some hidden gems. I have been watching some decent names like go for just $138 on GoDaddy and for $149, so there are some decent potentially end user sale type names … [Read more...]
Post the best name you have for sale for $500 or less
READ EVERYTHING FIRST so you are not surprised if your comment is not published or removed. ANY EXTENSION THIS WEEK - 10 Names max post more and you get blocked Of course with a lot of links some posts get held, they will be approved as soon as they are seen, some people repost their list with the note comment is being held for moderation. Don’t do that!!! Only going to get you blocked. … [Read more...]