Matt Southern wrote an article on Search Engine Journal that included an infographic on who has the most valuable search traffic. His takeaway from the data was: It’s interesting to note that the site with the most valuable search traffic, Wikipedia, is one that does not attempt to generate a profit from its traffic. Besides that one outlier, the results are more or less what you would expect … [Read more...]
Google Might Not Like Your Naturally Generated Links
Julie Joyce wrote a very interesting article on Search Engine Land about an hour ago on Google and natural links. We always tend to think of natural links as the prize or reward for creating engaging content. You didn't pay for them, you did not manipulate the system, someone just liked your content and either included it in an article or on a forum or blog comment. Julie points out that … [Read more...]
Yahoo Search Share Dips for February – Google Stands at 78.7% according to StatCounter
Danny Sullivan discussed the February search share stats on Search Engine Land. Yahoo dipped after posting gains in the previous two months. The dip wasn't that big but the company had some good momentum going over the previous two months. The data from StatCounter shows: Google: 78.7% (+0.1%) Yahoo: 10.1% (-0.1%) Bing: 9.8% (+0.1%) From the article: Yahoo’s share of search in the … [Read more...]
Memex Provides Law Enforcement A Better Way To Surf the Dark Web
Mark Stockley wrote an interesting article that took a look at Memex. Memex is brought to you by the people that built the original ARPANET. It seems to be very well received by law enforcement as a way to surf the "Dark Web", it has even proved vital in one major conviction against a sexual predator according to the article. From the article: DARPA describes Memex as a set of … [Read more...] Takes A look at Football From an Online Traffic POV
Compete took a look at the popularity of Football from an online traffic viewpoint. I kind of think their findings make sense and its not really a surprise to see a downward trend going into January as most fans don't have a horse in the race. There is more excitement for fans outside of the conference champions around which ad is going to be controversial and which will become a hit. The article … [Read more...] “The Rising and Falling Stars in Google US
Search Metrics takes a look each year at who fell in the rankings and who saw their website rise on Google. In addition to just looking at winners and losers they look into why some sites succeeded while other sites took a dip. If you are interested in SEO the article is very much worth reading to see their analysis and what affects ranking trends both short and long term. From the article: As … [Read more...]
The New gTLDs and SEO
Roland LaPlante wrote a piece on Circle ID about new gtlds and SEO. Roland works at Afilias and it is safe to say he is an advocate of the new gtlds with Afilias having a vested interest. There are readers who are trying their hand at developing a new gtld or two so this article may be helpful for those who have questions and concerns with regards to SEO. From the article: With the arrival … [Read more...]