There was an interesting article on of all places with regards to Apple going after Google in search. The article discussed the fact that Applebot has been crawling the web for close to a year and that back in May, Apple made that clear. The article also delves into why Apple cannot collect as much data as Google does due to their differing policy when it comes to … [Read more...]
How To Change Domains But Keep Your Search Ranking
John Rampton published an article today on Forbes that looks at switching domain names and keeping search ranking. He does point out that you are more likely to drop in the rankings immediately after making a move. This should be a short term drop. Rampton provides a step by step guide for those looking to make such a move, he goes over 8 points you should follow when making your move, … [Read more...]
Google to add Buy Buttons to Mobile Search
Google is planning on launching buy buttons in mobile search only, there will not be buttons when someone searches on desktop. One has to wonder how all the advertisers who spend big money on Adwords will feel about this. Engadget stated there are several reasons why this will be mobile only. The biggest reason ? Mobile searches outpacing desktop searches. The Wall Street Journal is responsible … [Read more...]
SEO Benefits Between .Com and Everything Else
This will probably be a controversial post as the topic has certainly been controversial. published an article that took a look at the SEO benefits of .com vs every other extension. Now Google has always said there is no difference and Matt Cutts has debunked the new gtld crowd that said they would have a benefit. Matt wrote on his Google + in May 2012: Matt Cutts Shared … [Read more...] “Moving 5 Domains To 1 an SEO Case Study”
Dr. Peter J. Meyers wrote an excellent piece on that deals with changing multiple domains, basically 5 into 1 for this case study. The article is very detailed and is definitely something you want to bookmark in case there ever comes a time when you need to do this. From the article: People often ask me if they should change domain names, and I always shudder just a little. Changing … [Read more...]
Shocking? Google Domains Now Listed Organically Number 1 On Google For “domains”
Just a little over 2 months after launching out of Beta, Google new domain name registrar Google Domains is showing as the number one organic entry under Google when you search for the term "domains" replacing registrars like,, Network,, and Google Domains … [Read more...]
International Domains Competing Against Each Other in the Serps
Econsultancy took a look at three companies and how providing similar content on multiple international domains may be affecting their search results. Graham Charlton took a look at, and At the end of the article Graham provides some tips on how to avoid the competition between sites. From the article: Lots of companies have different international … [Read more...]