Radix knocked one out of the park with the sale of Casino.online for $201,250. The domain was reserved by the registry and did not result in a big windfall for a domain investor. Currently the domain resolves to a holding page at Safenames. CasinoOnline.com has been registered since 1996. The domain is developed as a guide to online casinos. … [Read more...]
Radix “We have no immediate plans to increase our wholesale prices.”
With all the discussion about price increases at Uniregistry on certain new gtld strings, I reached out to a sponsor here at TheDomains, Radix. I wanted them to let our readers know what their plans were as far as potential price increases. Sandeep Ramchandani, Vice President and Business Head at Radix had this to say: At Radix, we had made a conscious decision to operate only broad-based … [Read more...]
Radix Premium Report 2016
Radix put together an infographic that took a look back at 2016 with regards to premium registrations. .Store generated the most revenue, followed by .online and .tech. Hoodie.store at $30,000 sold with a recurring premium. 1.store sold for $30,000 but was listed as a one time sale. Neither name currently resolves. Top.host which sold for $15,000 is a developed … [Read more...]
Radix issues a challenge to the domain industry
With the launch of .Fun, Radix is challenging the domain industry to the Mannequin Challenge. December is here & everyone needs to have some .FUN! Radix Radicals attempt the #MannequinChallenge Who is up for the challenge next? #ntlds pic.twitter.com/EYOg8FvB2V — Radix (@RadixRegistry) December 6, 2016 … [Read more...]
.SPACE becomes the choice of the first ever Space Nation Asgardia
A group of scientists launched the first ever space nation at a press conference in Paris earlier last month. Asgardia is the prototype of a free society in space. It aims to launch its first satellite in 2017 and be recognized by the UN. The official webpage of this trending space nation chose the new gTLD .SPACE for its official URL - www.asgardia.space. The website has already seen over 2.10 … [Read more...]
An illustrated look at .Online
Radix put together this infographic for a detailed look at the .online extension. As of today there are 438,946 registrations according to NTLDstats.com. This place .online at #9 in total registrations. … [Read more...]
Radix Launches Startup League to help startups launch their ideas
The Startup League (www.startupleague.online) is a unique startup-support program designed to aid early stage startups that use any of Radix's TLDs to launch their idea or company. This initiative will support startups across several key areas like marketing, event sponsorships, and PR. In the first few days of the outreach itself Radix incubated 15+ startups including Kika.tech, Devteam.space … [Read more...]