ICE today announced that 132 domain names were seized for selling counterfeit products. However not only were .com's and .net's targeted this time. While 101 of the domain names were with a registry located in the United States, 31 ccTLD's domain names were seized as well. Domain names ending in .eu, .be, .dk, .fr, .ro and .uk were all seized. "This operation is a great example of the … [Read more...]
Owner of Domains Seized In December By ICE Sentenced To 40 Months In Prision
Back in December 2011, we reported that the Homeland Security ICE department seized 11 domain names for selling pirated movies, TV shows and games. Yesterday the owner of two of the 11 seized domains, 36-year old Sang Jin Kim was sentenced by a federal judge to to 40 months in prison and was ordered him to forfeit more than $400,000 in assets. The two domains were and … [Read more...]