LiveChat Software S.A. is a global IT company operating in SaaS (Software as a Service) model and offering product that increases online sales, improves customer service and online conversions. The company is headquartered in Poland. The company had been operating on, they made some acquisitions in January and sent out a note yesterday regarding their upgrade. We’ve … [Read more...]
Another company with two word .com moves to one word .co
Patch Homes is a home equity finance startup, that is now changing it's name to Noah. They are going to be doing business on as another two word .com moves to .co. (source) A couple weeks ago I wrote about GradeSlam (.org) rebranding to A week after, moved to the shorter, one word domain name, is owned by a David Kroening. … [Read more...]
Streaming services see a surge in demand – what about streaming related domains?
Someone asked me if I thought the value of streaming related names would go up in value? Their thought was with everyone at home more and more new companies would look to provide a streaming service. Amazon owns the best streaming related .com,, it points to I don't know you got You Tube, Instagram live, Facebook live, Twitch, Periscope, do we need more? Maybe … [Read more...] AI Domain Name Generator Will Find You The Perfect Domain Name
Ceyhun Derinbogaz detailed the step by step details he took to build out an artificial intelligence domain name generator. On Ceyhun wrote the article, "How I Launched an AI Service in 60 Days, While Working Full-Time." This article is a great guide for those of you that are using this time in self isolation to launch a new or side project. You can read the … [Read more...] owner forwards name to Red Cross website
GoDaddy's own Paul Nicks pointed out on Twitter that blood drives are being cancelled due to Covid-19. The owner of read the tweet and decided to forward the domain to the Red Cross. A very nice gesture at a time of need. … [Read more...] confiscated temporarily by Spanish Government
According to the registrant of the Spanish government has confiscated the name. They did say it would be returned when the crisis was over. said he turned down a $10,000 offer on the name. Here is the post on Namepros: Not going to complain as they said they would give back the domain after this crisis is over (supposedly). I should have grabbed that $10k … [Read more...] monthly brokerage bulletin Volume 3
Francois sent out the third brokerage bulletin where brokers have a chance to let people know what they got This is the third issue of the monthly bulletin which exclusively features names for sale by brokers. If you are a broker and want to list your names in the next issue please contact us. Bodis Seeks Key Account Manager Are you the next 'Ricky Roma'?, do you … [Read more...]