Hola.me was sold at Sedo for $8,500 in 2018. It was the third highest .me sale of 2018. The domain name had just been listed for sale on a proprietary landing page. After it sold it just showed a Domain Agents landing page that the domain name was for sale. Source. The domain name dropped and went for $630 at Park.io. Nous.org was purchased for $4,088 at Afternic, the same day the .net … [Read more...]
“0.35% of name servers are responsible for 90% of all domain names”
Chris Duckett published an interesting article over at ZDNet on just how few name servers are responsible for the majority of domain names. The article illustrates the potential problems for outages as many opt for a convenient cloud based solution vs your own server. Sans Institute dean of research Johannes Ullrich looked into how many of the world's 2.7 million authoritative name servers it … [Read more...]
Boatsforsale.com purchased by OneWater Marine Inc.
Frank Schilling's Name Administration Inc. (BVI) sold BoatsforSale.com for $162,500 back in 2013. Today OneWater Marine Inc. (NASDAQ: ONEW) announced they were purchasing the domain name. One Water Marine's stock price has had quite the fun over the last few months, up almost 10 fold. Full press release OneWater Marine Inc. Expands its Digital Platform with the Purchase of … [Read more...]
Retailers might abandon the term “Black Friday” in their advertising
The .blackfriday extension has always been a head scratcher for some domain investors. An extension for one day that many think they know the history behind, actually it's a myth. The real history comes from where I live, Philadelphia. The true story behind Black Friday, however, is not as sunny as retailers might have you believe. Back in the 1950s, police in the city of Philadelphia used … [Read more...]
Mask.com is now the highest priced domain name at BrandBucket
Last November I took a look at the highest priced domain names on BrandBucket. Lend.com was the highest at $2.5 million and Nude.com at $1.5 million. Neither name is now listed for sale at BrandBucket. Mask.com is now listed on BrandBucket and has the highest asking price at $2 million. The domain name registered in 1995 was owned by The Mask Group out of San Mateo, California. It went … [Read more...]
At what point does it become ok to own a reported stolen domain name?
There is quite the discussion going on at Namepros with regards to a domain name that was first reported stolen in 2007. Provenance is important in things like art and domain names. In an interview with Giuseppe Graziano, Nat Cohen was asked the following? What do you think needs to happen for the domain industry to outgrow its current status and for domains to become a widely held … [Read more...]
Founder of Notarize.com talks domain names and reveals purchase prices
Michael Daigle (The domain king of Near Me names) found the purchase price of Notarize.com. The founder says during the interview below that he paid 40-45k for spindle.com. Notarize.com was $42,000 Pat Kinsel talks about the price of Notarize.com in one podcast and spindle.com in another. He mentions not being a fan of lease to own. In The VentureFizz Podcast: Pat Kinsel - Founder and CEO … [Read more...]