JustCloud.com a company which allows you to store all you "information in the cloud" just bought the domain name Mega.co for $60,000 The domain name was owned by InterNetworX Ltd. & Co. KG. The domain sale was brokered by Rocket Name™ According to Rocketname.com, it's the fifth biggest .co sale to date after O.Co ($350,000), e.Co ($81,000), cruises.co ($82,500) and mesothelioma.co … [Read more...]
UPDATED: Samsung Rolls Out Ad Campaign On TogetherWeRise.co With Lebron As Part Of $100M NBA Deal
Samsung has rolled out a new Ad campaign to celebrate the start of the NBA season on the domain name TogetherWeRise.co With Matching Twitter Hash Tag The features Lebron James as the Miami Heat are seeking a three-peat as NBA champs. The site allows you to upload a selfie on ToghetherWeRise.co and the site has pictures of people that have already uploaded pictures. Pictures can also be … [Read more...]
Up.Co Hits Times Square In A BIG Way
The .Co registry just published a pretty impressive picture of a billboard in Time Square right above the NASDAQ sign for Up.co "There’s nothing we love more than to see one of our .CO-ers succeed in a massive way. Well, except for one thing. It’s even more exciting when their massive success … [Read more...]
Inc. Asks Do You Really Need A .Com
In a post tonight Inc.com asks Do you Really Need A .Com? "If you've started a business any time in the last 15 to 20 years, you've probably struggled with the same issue. There's the-name-you-wish-you-could-have.com but you can't have it because someone else already does. There's … [Read more...]
Media Options Gets MO.co Domain From .Co Regsitry
Domain brokr MediaOptions.com announced tonight on its Facebook page that is acquired the domain name MO.co from the .Co registry. A press release is expected to be released sometime today, but as of now we don't know what MediaOptions.com paid for Mo.Co and how MediaOptions is planimg on using the premium two letter .Co domain. According to Andrew Rosener post on Facebook: "Press Release … [Read more...]
SilkApp.com Changes To Silk.co Gets Another $1.6 Million In Funding & TechCrunch Covers It
TechCrunch.com has just covered the company previously known as Silkapp.com which has just rebranded to Silk.Co and that it raised an additional $1.6 Million in funding to bring it up to a total of $3.7 million in funding According to TC: "Since Silk first came out of stealth mode in 2011, there have been 300,000 interactive pages created on its cloud-based, web data-crunching platform … [Read more...]
Founders Institute Fi.co Incubator Portfolio of Companies Has A Valuation of $5 Billion
TechCrunch.com just covered The Founders Institute which uses the domain name Fi.co, is an incubator, and just hit a big milestone, more than 1,000 companies have graduated from the program. "Instead of targeting twenty something programmers who have already started working on new companies, the companies founder Adeo Ress said his team created “a structured process” that would allow people … [Read more...]