Daniel Negari, CEO of the .xyz registry has reported to TheDomains.com that there are less than 10,000 five number .xyz domain name combinations left before they are all registered! To be exact, at time of publication, only 9.59% are available to register of the once 100,000 according to the tracker provided by the registry. The XYZ registry easily allows people to see what domain names are … [Read more...]
Domain Movers: YN.com, Battlecast.com, Zpack.com + Twitter, Walmart & Disney Buys
Welcome to Domain Movers where we detect domain names on the move, mainly all by large corporations for one reason or another. These are often early detection's and often result in a new product, service, business or advertising campaign in the near future. Since this is often the very first time anything is being mentioned about "it", it can be challenging to find out very much information … [Read more...]
Domain Movers: Remodeling.com, TrueFan.com, 147.com & RII.com & More Domains
Domain Movers is always exciting as it is every changing. Large corporations spending some $$$ to secure a brand and you get an early insight into this because of domain name? YES! Large corporations SELLING domain names they already own... it happens and today proves it happens more than just once or twice.. Here is an "insiders view" of some recently purchased, registered and sold domain … [Read more...]
Comcast Launches “Watchable” Video Service, Reported Paid “Six Figures” For Domain
Comcast has launched a new digital video platform to take on YouTube, Facebook and more with the brand name of Watchable. Comcast has secured the exact matching .com domain name to use for its newest video brand, with the stand alone website being at: Watchable.com The latest product, Watchable.com, is a free video service and focuses on videos from online services like Vice, BuzzFeed, … [Read more...]
Publicly Traded Autodesk Purchases Graphic.com Domain Name From GoDaddy.com
Publicly traded company Autodesk, Inc. has purchased the premium generic domain name Graphic.com from another public company, GoDaddy.com. GoDaddy is listed on NYSE: GDDY with a market cap of $3.99 Billion. Autodesk is listed on NASDAQ: ADSK which has a $9.95 Billion market cap. The domain name was part of the domain name portfolio GoDaddy acquired from Marchex in a $28.1 Million dollar … [Read more...]
Domain Movers: RSL.com, QM.com; WakeUpHappy.com, RealEstate.com & More Domains
Domain Movers is an exciting series that uses domain names as a driver to breaking and interesting news relating to some of the largest companies in the world. Welcome, enjoy and spread the word about this cool and always interesting series. 4 new domain names have been registered by the “Bic” brand? The whois details on each domain name are generic at this time but contain the Bic brand … [Read more...]
Readers Digest Corp Re-brands To Trusted Media Brands, Inc & Buys TMBI.com For It’s Website
In a historic move, The Readers Digest Association, Inc. has changed its corporate name after 93 years, to Trusted Media Brands, Inc. Back on June 1, 2015 TheDomains discovered that The Readers Digest Association had acquired the domain name TMBI.com from Get On The Web, but we were not sure “why” at that time, but now we do know why. TMBI.com had a $16,950 asking price by Get On The … [Read more...]