Over the years both here and other place have debated the Greatest domain investor of all time. Some people keep a low profile and are hardly known to even those in the industry for years. The debate also delves into areas like
Do you mean greatest in terms of?
- Domains sales?
- Number of domains under management?
- Innovation?
- Traffic monetization
- Impact on the industry?
- Longevity in the industry?
- Contribution to the industry?
Michael Gilmour contributed those questions last time we did a post here.
So with many coming into the business every year and many having no idea who people like Garry Chernoff are, or Xedocs or The Stephensons, etc…
This post is going to ask a question that everyone can answer because it’s dealing with right now. Back in the day there was no social media when many legends started. People share more now, Domainer Twitter is a thing.
Who is the G.A.T.T.?
The Greatest At This Time, many legendary domain investors have been out of the game for years. Some are still going, while there are new entrants who have certainly made a name for themselves.
To drill down, this should be focused on who you think is the best at domain investing today? Not if they write inspiring tweets or dislike the same category you dislike. But who you think is the best at selling, innovating, coming up with new ideas to drive more sales?
Leave your reply in the comments and the answer should be limited to 1.
Yinan Wang
Swetha she killing it and dealing with misogynists.
Swetha aka Daniel
BullS- the best of the best in the internet world!!
Website says it all.
Here come the incels
Mike Mann – hands down, Schwartz when he is not auditioning for the next Rick Moranis movie.
The Castello Brothers, they have good intentions. Plus they are against Google trying to take over the Internet.
Kevin Ham
Yun Ye