Usually the dream is to acquire the ultra premium one word dot com. So many companies have to wait years to do away with a prefix or suffix. But the folks at Super.com are going the other way.
They own the name that is truly super – duper. But instead are adding GG to their name.
They write on their website:
Today we are empowered by new owners and choose to change our name, putting a title to the new step of our growth and ambition. We have been all about games, and it makes sense to us that our commitment to games should be solidified in the name we are known by. Our mission is to help our partners create not just good games, but nothing short of Super Good Games. As such, we are now SuperGG.com.
The site domain will be changed from super.com to supergg.com in the near future
– Our legal name will remain unchanged
Read the full release here
Will the name come back on the market? How much will it sell for? Should be interesting.
I suspect they never actually owned super.com but instead were leasing it from its owner.
Great thought Brad. Thank you
Had to be a lease. Who would go from a SUPER ULTRA-PREMIUM domain name to a mediocre one.
Makes absolutely no sense.
Brad – they bought Super in our NamesCon auction years ago, they owned/own it and its done Super for them
they are branching out into some new territory and will be building sub-brands off the main brand. that’s all.
If they ACTUALLY OWN Super.com, then this is absolutely the most mind-boggling, boneheaded rebranding I have ever heard of. From Super.com to SuperGG.com !!! REALLY ?!!!
What part of this is not clear to anyone?
“As such, we are now SuperGG.com.
The site domain will be changed from super.com to supergg.com in the near future”
They likely can’t afford it or have lost a legal dispute. Unless it is a huge company it would make no sense to be on that name.
A classic case of outstandingly poor marketing. Clearly, we might well find a rather woke Graduate who’s been over-promoted and has zero ideas about domains and branding.
I don’t have a dog in this race, but seriously, who would add GG?
Let’s wish the marketing genius good luck in their new job, KFC is it? Don’t let them near the brand, it will become Chicken Non-Vegan, processed in China and re-heated by a lowly paid teenager ;-). As for Old Man Saunders, some non-binary mixed race persona in the form of a meme might be more on trend…
In a nutshell, imagine what kind of people there out there to be allowed to put a GG on a domain like Super!!! No
I understand their move, whether or not it was impacted by the fact of not owning the super dot com domain. I mean, “super” is very abstract word and can stand for anything while with GG they clearly addressing gamers and becoming part of the scene. I am sure their marketing guys know what they’re doing. Just wondering if they also got super.gg in their pocket.
also, curious what will be hosted at super.com after this.
Super nuts.
Hi Raymond,
Most likely, super.com has already been sold or will be sold to Meta.
They have a new big project that is in beta right now.
Noticed this a couple of weeks ago.
Ding ding ding!!!
Great find thanks for posting.