Decrypt.co did a story on Andrew Miller of ATM Holdings and his move into NFT’s. “Why Domain Name Investors Are Buying Up NFTs?”
In the article Miller states that he started investing in NFTs in 2021, and acquired his first Bored Ape in August.
From the article:
I believe we are not even in 1998 yet with NFTs. It’s not even the first inning, it’s 1995 in the domain world. And NFTs are moving faster than domain names did. NFT time is on a different clock since they are more liquid than domains.
Read the whole article on Decrypt.co, personally I found it to be a good read and as more and more interest comes into the NFT space it certainly should be interesting.
Disclaimer: This is not investment advice, do your own homework on NFT’s and decide for yourself if they should be apart of your portfolio.
as a digital investor one should have certain amount of portfolio dedicated to high risk class assets, but I truly don’t understand the NFT movement actually. Comparing to domain names, what is the intrinsic value of an NFT Ape? anything else than just a wanna-be-part-of BAYC ? OK when this phenomenon becomes global then it would turn out theiy did the right thing investing in it. But then, there are already a plenty of other NFTs, but somehow domain investors stick with BAYC Apes…
for those who believe in apes: apeful.com could be the right pick for you
You need an “art world” mentality to understand this pump and dump.
You also need wealthy friends who you convince they need one too or wealthy strangers, either way it works.
Don’t get me wrong, people will make money and that is fine but I draw the line at having to listen to them justify it with a straight face.
Pump and Dump!
NFT’s sound cool and have potential but the apes thing is dumb. totally dumb.
very small and niche market with too few players. maybe they are just bored? but good luck to them.
NFTs are here to stay.
Per “APES” and “PENGUINS”, “PUNKS”, IDK, but I wouldn’t bet against the folks who have invested in them. They have a pretty stellar track record of making bank.
I wish them luck!
Pump and dump. Don’t be the last holder!
In terms of prices it is more like 2007 than 1998. yes they are moving faster but so did Dot Mobi and New TLDs.
I would say he is following the crowd here, who knows if that is the right or wrong strategy. Right now it is a gamble and a big chunk of the market is other domainers, to the point where many transactions end up being between two domainers.
what is the heck is NFT!!!
The world is littered with folks who succeeded greatly in one area . . . then, because they believed themselves to be business-immortal, failed greatly in another.
Thomas Edison was one (think Edison’s DC current losing out to Tesla’s AC current).
Successful domainers who “invest” in NFTs . . . will soon enough . . . be part of the NFT litter.