The biggest reported domain name sale of 2020 comes in at $720,000.
Namepros member Keith posted in 2017 that he purchased Nas.com for $50,000 in BTC. He added the BTC actually cost him next to nothing.

He posted tonight he sold Nas.com for $720,000. Well done and one hell of a flip.
Keith is the Master of Domains. He really knows the industry well and is always helpful. Congrats Keith.
Wow congrats and great job
Don’t know about being a master, he whines a lot on np, but congrats on the sale.
You say he whines? He just made the top sale of 2020. What have you done?
Garry Chernoff is the master of domains, Nat Cohen. Good for this Namepros member, interested to see who purchased the name.
Yes and most of these newcomers don’t know who either one of them. It’s like a kid in the minor leagues not knowing Ty Cobb or Honus Wagner. Garry is beyond master level, Nat is another good choice along with the owner of this blog who has sat back with all those millions from godaddy.
NAS and NASB are the common acronyms for the “New American Standard” English translation of the Bible.
The NAS Bible is reportedly the most literally accurate English translation of its kind, at least last I heard anything about that. The “ESV” may be the closest second in that regard.
Note that I said “of its kind.” We are not talking about other types of translations, such as an “interlinear.”
NAS is mostly known for Network Attached Storage, a tech term.
Mostly, ay? Now that I doubt very much…
Not surprised the sale came from Keith.If you follow the kind of names he goes for and the price he pays for them,you would expect nothing less when it sells .
Congratulations to him.
I love the smell of fanbois and girls in the morning.
Fanbois sounds stimulating.
Keith DeBoer?
No Supratik, @keith on Namepros is not @KeithDeboer they are different people.
So he first bought BTC when they cost pennies. And then again parlayed his 50K into 750K
Seems like a smart chap
Grand Slam. Congrats!
Congrats to Keith!
Did he pay capital gains tax on the BTC that cost him “almost zero dollars”?