Now that the ICA has a lower membership fee will you join? The directory just looks odd in my opinion, with the members right under individual made to look like second class citizens. But too each their own.
Annual Membership
Platinum Membership $25,000 USD and above
Gold Membership $10,000 – $24,999 USD
Silver Membership $5,000 – $9,999 USD
Bronze Membership $1,000 – $4,999 USD
Individual Membership $600 USD or $50 per month
Member $300 USD or $25 per month
The discussion and poll I started at Namepros is not going to well in terms of generating new memberships.
Some don’t see the reason why, while others have stated opinions I have heard in person. They don’t want to be associated with other members. We discussed membership benefits here.
Agreed with tonyk2000 on np. I could never be along to an organization that had some of those people as members.
I remember the discussion about membership benefits and the snide comment nat cohen made. I would never support them.
Didn’t Zak come on Name pros to respond to a question about what has the ICA ever accomplished? (the short answer is nothing). People kept asking questions and Zak pushed for a webinar. It’s like just answer the damn question. If my boss asks me what did you do this week? I just answer not ask him if he wants to set up a skype call.
There is no Rick, no Mann, no Berkens. No need to join.
>>> There is no Rick, no Mann, no Berkens. No need to join. <<<<<
The bigger names like Reinvent, Anything.com, Future Media Architects, Xedoc and so on are not there.
My guess is an Internal conflict between big domainers?
So what is the use of joining ICA?
There is no need to join. It has no teeth, they send letters that’s all. They made no difference in .org or any other domain related matter. Just another cliche like those that suck the cock of whoever is making sales. I live in Finland don’t need any of you.
Interesting reply are the cliches that are sucking the cock of domain sellers?
Worthless to join when there are no obvious benefits to domain investors.
Event small domain investor who can afford to pay $25 p/month, I see it’s useless to pay.
Are you looking forward to $49 .com renewals for some reason?
What are you personally doing to fight that strong possibility looming over our heads?
The way we get a voice at the table is by banding together, not by splitting hairs over our differences.
There is no we, I know I don’t want to stand with you or half the people in that directory.
ICA is not stopping Verisign from raising prices either, anyone believing that is off their rocker.
Exactly they kid themselves thinking they have any power. They have zero influence. It’s why when Muscovitch was asked a simple question on np he could not just answer that.
What has the ica done? not send a letter, like hey we oppose the .org sale, the whole world did, great.
I will join ICA eventually.
Will make donations here and there between now and then.
The ICA is definitely not perfect, but I can see that they really are fighting for the interests of professional domain investors.
Yeap, I joined. It was time.
I need someone fighting for me.
Nay sayers are probably cheap folks and dont really have sales to cover the $25/$50 monthly fee.
What are they fighting for? They don’t have the ability to stop verisign raising prices, that’s a legit contract, no matter who likes it. Plenty of people have the money like some mentioned they would never want to be apart of the same organization as others they find unethical or possibly in some cases despise.
Pretty sure there are many who could be Gold members who don’t belong, like Mann, Anything.com, Schwartz actually too many too list.
Again what has the ICA accomplished? The ICA, not chimed in from the peanut gallery on SOPA or .org sale.
You are misinformed. Price cap removal is not part of the current .com contract. It’s going to be on the negotiation table for the next contract that is upcoming.
If not raising the alarm, organizing the domain investment community, encouraging public comment, writing pointed letters, meeting with ICANN, serving on ICANN committees, meeting with the DOC… what is it that you suggest doing to try to prevent the removal of .com price caps and changes to UDRP/URS that would harm consumers and completely destroy the value of domains as investments? What do you think would be the most effective strategy?
In regards to people who aren’t members… there’s a lot of analogies one could make about some people benefiting from the work of others, or splitting hairs over personal differences instead of uniting in common causes.
I’ve been a member of the ICA for a couple of years now. I was hesitant to join because $600 seemed steep at the time, but I decided to because domains are my livelihood, and the ICA is one of the only organizations looking out for registrant rights. I quickly saw how tuned they are with the issues that affect us.
The members in the ICA are amazing. I’ve met most of them in person It’s an inclusive, supporting, and positive group. It’s a community effort with a variety of voices. Not every member agrees with everything. There is healthy debate within the ICA itself as to how to focus its efforts, but in the end we reach a consensus. And we know that we are looking to further things for all of us.
Kamila, Zak, and Nat are amazing. Their dedication and effort is amazing. And they need more support from us.
I joined but I’m still trying to understand the benefits for members.