When it comes to domain name registrars, many have loyalty to one or just want the organization and ease of management to just one provider.
Some use registrars for different extensions, your favorite might have the best .com, net, org pricing and privacy for free but they are too high for your interests in new gtlds or exotic cctlds.
I think if you are a .com only investor the number tends to be lower.
When you invest in new gtlds there are so many different deals. You need more registrar choices.
How many registrars do you use to run your domain business/hobby?
Dynadot for almost all my names. Safenames for the extensions Dynadot does not support, and occasionally a few at Network Solutions after a NameJet auction win.
2-5. Dynatot & Namsilo are my two main ones. Namecheap, Godaddy, and Name.com are secondary ones. I try to avoid GD where possible unless I take part in an auction.
Dynadot is my main one. 101Domain and Marcaria for two “.hn” domains. For my “.gt” domain, you have to use the registry itself — there is no middle man.
Dynadot – most of my domains are here.
Porkbun – most of my ngtld domains are here.
Namesilo – competitive but, needs a better interface.
Godaddy – mostly utilize for auctions and closeouts.
NameCheap – good service but, pricing is a bit high on renewals.
Uniregistry – not bad but, I did not like the auto-renewal system at first.
Directnic – good discounts on .com and other extensions at times and renewals are fair.
GoDaddy has 80% of my domain portfolio. The remaining 20% were spread to other domain registrars particularly Dynadot, Name, Park, and others.
NameSilo, Dynadot, and Epik, depending on the pricing.
Namecheap and Namesilo.
I try to avoid immoral registrars like Godaddy or Uniregistry.