A couple of days ago I mentioned there were 3 public auctions closing at 2am Eastern time on Sunday. These were three letter .coms, ZTD.com, UDA.com and BPS.com. Only one met reserve and that was BPS.com.
ztd.com $9,588 not met
uda.com $17,600 not met
BPS.com $51,000 met at $50,000
I emailed Michael at Namebio for BPS.com so it can be listed. I am surprised that ZTD.com could not do better than $9,588. But it was not the best time to close an auction in my opinion.
Did it already change hands?
It just closed early Sunday on GoDaddy Auctions.
BPS– BP SUCKS, good for the environmentalist
Except they would have $25 budget.
The LLL.com market has been flirting with under $10,000 minimums all year, so probably a fair bet it is now there.
I might be missing something but I don’t see why ZTD should have done better. The three characters don’t seem to fit for a particular trending niche.
BrandBucket has a three characters domain which has better value, in my opinion. It’s O N A. I think N A can mean North America, National Assembly, …. But they’re currently pricing it at $605,000 USD. Not sure if that’s too high.
It would have been the lowest LLL.com auction sale in a long time. Nobody is going to be looking for meaning in a name at the bottom of the barrel like that.
It would be hard to believe to me that domainers would just bid on a LLL.com without thinking whether its meaning is potential.
That is what “minimum quality” names are all about. What will the worst example of a category sell for.
Namebio should wait to report the domain sale until it actually factually changes hands.
If they don’t change that practice it makes their data worthless.
Michael from Namebio do wait for it to change hands before reporting sales.
namebio bps .com 51,000 USD 2019-10-20 GoDaddy