Mondia is a company out of Dubai that according to their profile is a leading independent digital entertainment enabler, we create and operate digital entertainment solutions for our partners across the globe.
They have operated on but have now paid $30,000 to acquire the .com on Sedo. The domain was registered in 2000 and was owned by a gentleman in New Zealand and parked at Sedo.
GoDaddy valued the name at $7,072 and Estibot at $707.
Mondia dont really have any meaning (at least from my knowledge). The gentleman from New Zealand priced it for $30k becoz of the popularity of the ?
Nice sale!
Mondia is a plant name and there are numerous brands with that name.
ever heard of the Ferrari Mondial ?
Another huge Estibot FAIL
Wow wow wow
Shocking news…from dot whatever to dot com
News we all can use.
Nope. They still use .io. And the .com is for redirect.
Be respectful rather than taunting when you see different opinions/values.
Ya because it takes more than 48h to switch an IT architecture to another domain name. Backlinks, Emails, Deeplinks, all that has to change and their engineers will likely need month to come up with all the changes in the code. If you just mirror the site, Google will punish you for duplicated content. Obviously you don’t know that. Once the switch is done the .io will be moved to the trash can like the junk that it is…
Not all companies are fond of changing canonical website addresses, at least isn’t.
And the .io won’t be moved to the trash can, sorry to break it to you. is a perfect example. Their architecture is very complex and it probably will take them another 6-9 month to do the full migration to the .com.

Same with Mondia. Once the migration is done it’s gonna be bye bye .io
What a fortune-telling.
The whole .com vs. .trash debate is a bit like capitalism vs. communism.
There are people trying to get OUT of Cuba every day now for almost 50 years, trying to reach the US.
Did you ever heard about boats with refugees leaving Miami to get into Cuba?
Same with .com. People try to escape their shitty .trash TLDs to reach the .com harbor.
But not the other way around…
I would say that’s just an exaggeration only “.com warriors” would make.,, and have been doing pretty well. They proved that a business doesn’t need to use .com to be successful. Internet world is ever-changing. Time to wake up.
And I think a persuasive gentleman never uses insulting words to attack things he doesn’t agree with because he know that kind of deeds only debase himself.
“Internet world is ever-changing. Time to wake up.”
I agree, but at what point is my statement an exaggeration? It is factually correct. There are no boats with US citizens fleeing from Miami to Cuba and there are no successful company rebrands from .com to .whatever. If you know any let me know.
by the way Twitch owns, Mondia just acquired the .com and is just not available I guess.
As stated, not all successful businesses rebrand to .com. And their owning .com at later time does not change the fact that they started and succeeded without .com.