Page Howe was mentioned in an article on The article took a look at emoji domains and why they do or don’t make sense.
Page has been outspoken about his belief in emoji domains and gets a couple paragraphs.
From the article:
People like Page Howe, a domain and digital asset investor, are bullish on URL emojis. “If I said to you, ‘you can be the teddy bear emoji dot double-u ess,’ it’s almost longer for me to say it and it takes seven words to say it,” says Howe. He has sold domain names like and for millions of dollars.
Howe’s company owns around 450 emoji domain names. The most expensive is ?.ws (aka Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes, or Blush Emoji), which goes for US$9,500 and the cheapest is ?️?️?️ (aka Triple Snow Emoji) which goes for US$95.
Another site for emoji domain name sellers, Efty, has users selling emoji domain names for $59,000.
“I think [interest in emoji domains] has diminished in the sense that the reality for people is that this is new and most people are hesitant when they run into the first pain point of not being able to speak an emoji domain name,” Howe says.
Speaking of inconvenience, these characters also aren’t always fully compatible with screen readers, an assistive technology for people who are blind or visually impaired. Although they can be read by Non-Visual Desktop Access, an open-source screen reader for Windows, as well as the built-in Apple screen reader, the built-in screen readers for iPhone and Android won’t read out the emoji’s meaning. So, “I
you” will be read as “I red heart you,” on iPhone, and “I heart you” on Android, rather than “I love you.”
How would one even type an emoji from their computer?
http://www.? forwards to
How To Type Emoji Domains On A Mac
Follow these simple steps:
Position the cursor where you’d like the emoji to appear
Use the following keyboard shortcut: Command Control Space bar
Click on the emoji you’d like to insert
Add ‘.ws’ and press GO!
It’s as simple as that
How To Type Emoji Domains On A PC
Follow these simple steps for use on Windows 10:
Position the cursor where you’d like the emoji to appear
Use the following keyboard shortcut: WIN + .
Click the smiley icon next to the left of the space bar
Click on the emoji you’d like to insert
Add ‘.ws’ and press GO!
If All Else Fails…
Follow these simple steps if the emoji keyboards do not work for you:
Type the name of the emoji into the search bar
Choose from the list
Click the ‘copy’ button to the right of the emoji
Paste the emoji
Add ‘.ws’ and press GO!
hi . you are saying something interesting… i would resume it to 1 word ; education.
there are shortcuts for emoji keyboards but frankly, my guess is you wouldn’t. They are native to mobile and best used as links on social media. Twitter is a good example. Why link out with a random bitly link when a colourful, contextual image can do the same? Emoji domains should be used as part of a marketing strategy, they shouldn’t define it.
so on windows click the WINDOWS key ( to the left of alt) and then the period “.” then puck from yoyr recent list or type in what u want..smiling.rabbit..fist etc…page
Let me quote Page ; ” the reality for people is that this is new ” .. Could this could also apply to gTLDs ( new extensions). I think Emoji as no future. It’s like a slot machine… imagine thousands of combinaison.. an image ain’t writing. It’s complicating things more than it is already on internet. Sorry Page, but emoji is scrap.
What are the odds Emoji Cereal would be all sugar with zero literacy.
Is it OK for your Doctor to substitute plain English answers to Patients with cartoons?
You don’t think an image can communicate too? Why can’t emoji be in ‘addition to’ rather than ‘replace’?
You go first by changing your pic from a pink octagon with one tooth to live smoke signals.
steve..actually they are.
Mayo is a non-profit based in Minnesota with networked referral physicians in Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, and Florida. Depending on your medical condition, Urology, Endoscopy, Oncology, Throat Cancer, Neurology, most of their doctors are in Minnesota. The Internet projects Mayo Clinic as being something bigger than it is.
Mayo isn’t proof. They’ve done nothing for you.
Mayo Clinic is ranked number 1 in the United States on the 2018–2019 U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals. Yet there isn’t a Mayo Hospital in existence! Only Doctors in fragmented locations of Minnesota.
I found three locations with building signage Mayo Hospital. 6 or 7 more Mayos are in Wisconsin and Minnesota:
4500 San Pablo Rd S
Jacksonville, FL 32224
5777 E Mayo Blvd
Phoenix, AZ 85054
901 Montgomery St
Decorah, IA 52101
So we’re talkin ten REMOTE hospitals agree emojis are just fine
Cavemen used graphics to express themselves. We have evolved to using language. Many of us spent lots of money on IDN in the early 2000s. This is similar. It’s a novelty IMO but maybe a few can make a quick buck. Good luck.
thats a fair take..emoji do have some street cred with younger tech…
again more young than older folk
more women than men
more global than us
more mobile.less desktop
more pictures than words
more emotiion than keyword
thanks for the post.
we all play our chips differently, not for everyone ive sold 3 in 7 days. i wish u luck sir.
page howe
if your reading this and need to sell your emoji..its a terrible domainer market but i can offer you a small price. ping me at
Yeah, they are selling well for you but you can only offer a “small price” lol
Pretty obvious these are not selling well, if they were there would be a proper aftermarket for them.
They are selling as well as .la, come on who are we fooling here .ws is not a bankable extension
if you think this has any future, go buy some bitconnect
If a domain could consist of only an emoji, then I think they would have value.
The .ws at the end ruins it, IMO.
stop it Page, ws means we sucks
It is always debatable whether Emoji domains will ever take off or not! Considering that we do NOT have characters corresponding to these on the keyword, I have serious doubts with it!
however, an emoji name selling for $59,000 is news to me and definitely will make me research more!
In fact I recently created a thread on NamePros asking about this thing only:
Looks like I should research this market. If people are investing $9,500 on a single emoji domain, there is definitely something which we might be missing on!
Emoji and other single-character domain names (especially in .com) have personal branding potential. Remember the somewhat daft effort by musician Prince Rogers Nelson, who became Prince, who became … “Love Symbol #2″… Gordon Sumner became Sting, maybe next ✫
Very few domains are universally attractive. But surely emoji and symbols, IDN, etc. attract SOME people. Potential YES, remembering domains are not a straightforward investment.