So with all the anger and disappointment in the auction houses, as evidenced by polls and comments on TheDomains and Namepros, what changes would you like to see implemented?
Some domain investors might be past the point of no return, but for those who believe things can be improved, where do we start?
GoDaddy stands out as the only auction house of the big 4 to not have bidder handles, and they also allow little time for large dollar auction closes to be paid. They will not address the bidder id’s so hopefully they can fix the timeframes to complete large transactions.
One of the more prominent figures in the domain industry, Rick Schwartz, had some really harsh words.
They don’t have an ounce of credibility combined.
They should all be ashamed of how they do business. How they screw domainers.
I have NOTHING GOOD to say about any of them!
They protect the WRONG PEOPLE!!
The question is how does Rick seeing domainer’s being screwed? Who are the wrong people ?
What changes would you make to improve the auction experience?
Still pissed about Godaddy removing auction closing prices from my Watch list in the Auction platform. If people were somehow abusing it, why not limit the number of domains you can watch or… I’m paying to be a member of the Auction platform why should I have to rely on 3rd party sites to find out how much a domain went for? My engagement with the platform is WAY down since they took it away. GIVE IT BACK!
Wow, you just opened a can of worms, Ray.
Put it this way, there is a lot more that needs to be fixed with auction houses than not fixed.
It’s the same problems, they get talked about by the domain community, but they never get fixed by the companies that run the auction houses.
Profits are their main priority and eveything else doesn’t matter.
There is no integrity or transparency.
Bidder ID’s need to be implemented on all auction houses.
Bidding domains up to the reserve prices needs to stop.
Bidding on your own domains needs to stop too.
Fake bidding on domains needs to stop as well.
Protection of certain domain investors and domain businesses for commiting illegal activities needs to stop ASAP!
As long as there is a domainer/domain business buddy system in place, which there is, certain domainers and domain businesses will never answer for their crimes.
Whoa so many comments, typical domaining tude, bitch and complain but no answers.
Whois capture before auction and after the transfer needs to take place. A third party that can do an automated ‘audit’ of the whois, for example. That’s what Escrow does right?. The registrars seem to not know what ‘audit’ means or seemingly don’t care to do it.
Expired domains for example. GoDaddy introduced a policy that says only the original registrant can claw back the domain. Yet that policy applies only to GoDaddy held domains and not their partners (last I knew). So then first you need to identify up front by tag or icon who the partner is so we know the rule applied. Then audit the damn partners once in a while to see what they are doing.
I feel it just happened to me today. DomainIQ sometimes has the info, but if guarded it does not. Registrars can clawback and hide under whois. And then when you email the auction house and they say oh we refunded your money what else do you want from us? How about stop wasting my time!
But it’s not just expired domains. The whois capture idea could help all auctions. We need to be able to cry BS and pay $10 for someone to lookup the REAL whois info if these auction houses don’t want to do it for free. I’d pay that just to kick it off and learn what’s really going on if anything bad.
There are to many lemmings chasing weekly sales reports.
I wonder why dropcatch 1 & 2 year old sales sell for 1/3 to 1/4 of what they sold for 1-2 years ago when they go thru namejet? Look at the fast few weeks.
These are unregulated auction platforms who only answer to their shareholders, nobody else.
Their bottomline comes at your expense, and they will use every loophole to extract it.
Godaddy does not want to show usernames, because there are 1-2 parties who are making the majority of the bids, and upping bids on any random bid thru automated bots.
All of you are being fleeced, end users are not paying what domainers are paying in auctions!
Google has fucked search.
The UK has fucked Whois
The vitriol expressed about domain aftermarket auction sites offered by the few
posting here is only the very tip of the iceberg.
There is a well entrenched domainer pal system that serves the large portfolio holders well enough that there will be no change, ever’.
Asking the question, here ” What changes would you make to improve auction houses? ” is cynical.
The domain name business is an insular, incestuous of first to the “circa 1995-1999” one word, .com domain name registrants that control the business.
With all due respect to all the hard working, honest, resourceful domainers out there.
If I, Robert McLean can not make a living, after 10 years of bashing my head against the crooked, criminal walls of the domain name business, then there is no hope for anyone, ever.
I have been blacklisted and blackballed and stabbed in the back, maligned and disrespected by virtually every domainer, domain broker, domain forum and domain auction site.
All I ever wanted to do is sell domain names, but if you are not kissing the ass of Frank Schilling, Mike Mann, Kevin Ham, Richard Lau, Larry Fisher, Andrew Rosener, Nate Cohen …….etc…..etc…….., believe me, you haven’t got a fucking chance.
The domain name business is rotten to the fucking core and asking the question “What changes would you make to improve auction houses?” is a cynical attempt at transparency.
Nobody works has hard as I do at trying to sell a fucking domain name, NOBODY!
And for me to have only sold one name in 18 months for $5000 is a true testament to where the domain name industry is and what the prospects are for anyone wanting in, as a beginner.
Forget it?
What changes would you make to improve auction houses?
What changes would you make to improve auction houses? Please.
Asking this question is as cynical as the assertion I was sold 15 years ago that “one could make a living in the domain name business with hard work, research and patience!” Bullshit
The domain name business is a crooked, incestuous group of first to the “circa 1995-1999 trough” .com, one word name registrants that control the business from ICANN to Google.
No one works harder than me at trying to sell a domain name, NOBODY!
What changes would you make to improve auction houses?
How about transparency, accountability, honesty and integrity.
Not going to happen. If you are not kissing the ass of Frank Schilling, Larry Fisher, Nate Cohen, Andrew Rosener, Dave Evanson, Mike Mann, Richard Lau, Kevin Ham…..etc.
you haven’t got a fucking chance!!
But all you reading this, probably already know this and don’t care……..
You make a lot of valid points, but…
There is a very big “but” underneath any valid points you’ve made…
I’ve been looking over your site and your domains…
All I’m seeing is a lot of time and work spent on a collection of super horrible, essentially worthless domains.
I’m doing you a big favor and doing you a service by saying this. Others either can’t be bothered, among other things, or don’t care as you put it…
Rick S. has written before how some people need to start over as I recall. You are one of those people. You do not appear to have any sense of what are really valuable domains. Even my worst three word .coms, many of which I drop, are better than what I’m seeing on your site. And speaking of your site – .tel? No, no, no, a thousand times no.
Sadly, unless you surprise me, this is what I suspect will most likely occur:
1. You will think I’m only trolling you instead of doing you a good deed.
2. You will, it goes without saying, not recognize that I’m right.
3. Others will quietly recognize that I am doing you a very good deed, and quietly think “how he wasted his time trying to help that guy…” and so forth.
I actually marvel at the work you have put into compiling the presentation of your offerings. So much time and work – published on such a horrible extension, and such a practically worthless collection. Even the left side category links are incredibly unappealing and almost 100% worthless. If you are capable of doing all that, then you are capable of starting over.
One of the reasons why other might not be willing to say anything, other than not caring, is that there is risk doing a good deed like this. You know, “no good deed goes unpunished.” Believe it Robert – your domains are truly horrible, and I see a lot of wasted time and money there. Have done it myself, though I must admit not as bad as that (sorry).
But don’t bother doing all that again. Just get a nice free platform, like the Marketplace at I use one – on a good .com domain. No – you are not doing better just because you can have the short “dn” on “.tel” – a thousand times no.
Well “John”, if that is your real name,
I could not care less for your unsolicited appraisal of the domain names I have presented for sale on
I can assure you that I know a lot more about 3D Printing than you do, and if you think you are correct, or even have the right to shit all over my names, you have another thing coming, “John!”
You are calling these names worthless?
I won’t go on…
You don’t know shit!
But the bigger issue is, how you think you have the right to shit all over me?
Seems to be an industry failing, this willingness to shit all over other domainers’ names.
You are not my target. The last fucking thing I want to do is sell to another fucking domainer.
You don’t know shit about 3D Printing and I am guessing that your name is not John.
Anything else?,, John?
Well I tried Robert. You’re making a mistake. I was blunt and to the point for the sake of efficiency and not beating around the bush, because that is often the best thing to do, but my intentions were good. Although I said “practically worthless collection” perhaps I should have also been more explicit that there may be a few that were okay and the few you should keep – but still start over. But for your example, the bigger picture is that you have to ask yourself if anyone really cares about 3D printing so much anymore and especially if they care about domain names for 3D printing even if they do. I’ve dropped “very good” two word .coms myself and even a one word .com because you can cling to the idea that a domain is really high quality when the sober truth is that people just don’t care or have any desire, even if the domain is arguably a “good domain.” Unless you want to keep paying for renewals for a decade or more till you finally realize they don’t, if they really don’t. For all intents and purposes, such “good” domains are effectively worthless. And this may be the case for you for most of your 3D printing domains, though perhaps not all. But even for ones that have potential, the potential might also be so limited that it makes no sense to keep wasting time and money on them no matter what the subject matter.
By the way, I will say that is definitely a bit intriguing now.
If we can’t see who’s buying and who’s selling, then perhaps we should be asking what is the % of these auctions that are actually real as opposed to inflated shill bids ? There’s no way to fix it unless
you actually put a face on each bid. The alternative could be to blockchain the bids but then I suspect that the volume will be pretty low.
Stop mixing wholesale and retail together, whether its regualar or emoji domain names
i may want to list or the money bag emoji ?.ws, and put a retail price of $4500….
now if by chance another emoji or regular domain name is dropping at godaddy, and it has 8 days to go, its going to look like that name is only $12 (the first bid)
how can a buyer trust a market if prices vary so widely on the same platform
Page Howe
this is almost like asking how can the Mafia become legit…