When the next round of new gtlds comes around, (yes there will be another round). What will be the extensions in demand? As many know Mike was involved heavily in the first round of new gtld’s consulting with Monte at RightofTheDot.com.
Mike and I had a conversation where he shared with me that many people have contacted him for his thoughts on the next round. The one keyword coming up over and over was COIN.
The next round looks like there will only be a singular or plural of a given string. Not both. So we should not be looking at Coin and Coins.
You can read more of the ICANN Initial Report on the new gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process.
Mike told me he thought that anyone looking to go after the .Coin extension should be planning for a $20 million purchase minimum.
Mike’s recommendation was sell names for $2,500 a pop with the belief that every coin out there would register their name in the .coin top level.
I said that surprises me you would charge that much. I am not sure that every coin will want their name in .coin. I think a lot of those involved with crypto see ICANN and the current DNS system as the establishment and they very much want to be anti-establishment.
There will certainly be a lot of competition for .coin and Mike may very well be right that $2,500 is the way to go.
He did make clear his focus was on the registry making money, it will not be an extension for domain investors to participate. The costs would be too high and the chances of profitability would be very low to non – existent.
Nothing is too be construed as a recommendation for participating in a newly created .coin extension.
So do you think .coin will go for big bucks if it becomes a reality?
There’s also background noise of .SEO and .RAP here.

Agree with Michael, coin will be hot but not for domainers.
Didn’t anyone learn their GTLD lessons from 2013 yet? How many GTLD’s do you see on the weekly sales sheet?
Give me a break, M B take the money, and run please.
think you missed the point, this is about registries, nothing to do with domainers. seems he was talking about how high the extension will get auctioned off about. Mike can do whatever he likes I am pretty sure, could probably buy you what 10000 times over?
You are dealing with a group of some of the most narcissistic people in the world the domain investors think everything is about them. This one not for you.
when .crypto ?
At least we are talking about .Coin or .Coins nTLD and not .Crypto.
I think it would be a huge mistake to have a .Crypto nTLD. Meaning it would probably end up being a scam/spam domain extension.
Not that .Coin or .Coins extensions wouldn’t have their own fair share of scams and spam, but i think a .Crypto domain extension would be worse.
You also can’t tell me that some doman investors will not try to buy some of the .Coin domains or at least invest in the .Coin domain extension through the company that actually buys the .Coin domain extension.
It also would not surprise me if a group of domainers created a company to buy the .Coin domain extension, directly or indirectly either.
Let the .Coin or .Coins nTLD speculation begin. Wait a minute, it already has begun.
Coinranking has 4180 coins listed as of today. And most of them do not even use “coin” in the name. Expecting coins to move to .coin is quite delusional. Most already have their sweet .com’s or at least .io’s. The extension is to be DOA.
At the upcoming MERGE next month there is a session where Toby Hall from MMX will discuss the .LUXE – which makes sense as wallet and contract addresses are not human memorable and need ‘speed-dial’ means for people to use, give out and remember.
During MERGE group of applicants, brand and generic, plus existing registries and service providers having a meeting called TLDFest, before and after the conference. It is an invitation-only private meeting organized by some consultants in the space, and they already have a full waiting list to participate.
Expanding the Top Level Domains is something different people have different energy and opinion on, but this is often true with change and evolution.
There are two different .COIN applicants that I am personally aware of. There is also a lot of misunderstanding about operating a TLD. Some think that it is a trivial level of effort or have a large educational gap to overcome… and an almost inhuman patience and tolerance for the pedantic which don’t map up to some of the ambitious entrepreneurs and pace of innovation we see in the crypto space (unless you believe promises and timelines of each lovely ICO whitepaper these days).
I can’t say if they are going to be at MERGE event or not. Because there are concerns over auction contention that seem to keep people very quiet about the TLDs that they are going to apply for, but I can say there is a robust interest in them.
There is interest even from parties who you would least expect it – that shout and protest and “astroturf” rhetoric loudly. To me, I like seeing innovation with domain names, old and new, so I look forward to the exciting ways that the old and new domain names innovate.
One reason that we did not see .COIN in the 2012 round is that there was concern over objection by the Indian Government about confusion in similarity to the .CO.IN ccTLD namespace.
Thank you Jothan, that makes a lot of sense.
.coke might have similar issues with Kenya.
I agree with Mike on both counts.
P.S. And only the singular makes sense here if you have to choose.
The cryptocurrency area will be in deep recession by the time the next round happens.
.COIN will be .DOA
By the time this new round becomes real, we will be IMO focused on security tokens with great companies like tZero leading the way. The choice of domain name comes back to what it has always come back to which is – What makes sense for my business?