I was reading the article Morgan Linton wrote about domain blogs and it kind of fit in with an article I started on over the weekend. How do you like your content?
Morgan was specifically talking about a Twitter conversation about Bitcoin and Domaining, that was being had by Rick Schwartz and Konstantinos from OnlineDomain.com.
Do crypto and domaining dovetail? Are they separate animals that are coming together because both are digital based concepts?
The conversation went off onto some tangents about no one should tell someone what to write about as others chimed in.
Here’s the thing, there is an inherent beauty about online publishing. Your traffic and engagement tells you if what you are doing works.
Now one also has to look at the purpose of the publication. I see things as one of three categories:
The blog is a business
There are multiple tasks to running this kind of publication. You have to create content that readers like and come back for, you have to generate ad revenue, and make sure advertisers are happy with your relationship with them. This blog is a business, that’s the point of this blog, there is content created, advertising relationships forged and readership numbers that are significant.
If any of those things fail, then something needs to get tweaked. This blog has written about things that are outside the scope of domaining since it’s inception. We have written more articles about crypto than any other blog in the space. Reason being Mike and I always felt that those interested in domain names might also have some interest or curiosity about something like crypto.
Domainers tend to be those that take risks on something digital and crypto is another digital alternative. I do believe the depth to domain names far exceeds those just buying and selling crypto.
Domain names give you the opportunity to buy a name for $10 and sell it for $2,000,$10,000, $50,000 etc… it’s a unique opportunity. When I bought LCD.tv for $30 and sold it for $4,200, no one else had that opportunity, it was unique, we all can buy BTC at $5,000 and hope it goes up, none of us can buy it for one price and get a 10 x multiple without taking on the risk that the price could go lower, on top of that everyone can participate equally.
But back to the business of blogging, we have been writing about crypto for over 3 1/2 years. 13 pages.
The traffic and engagement on those articles has been good, the recent articles by Daryl Naidoo our writer focused on crypto have done exceptionally well. If the traffic was poor we might have stopped posting.
Now there are some people who say, “Wtf with all the crypto stuff, write about domains.” They have every right to express their feelings, but from a publisher standpoint the majority of the reception has been positive. Same thing when we have written about e-commerce or advertising the traffic has been very good.
So for us here at TheDomains.com variety has made sense. It has been received well from readers, it brings in other readers outside the community which introduces them to our advertisers which they may have never heard of before. This enables them to be introduced to escrow companies, alternative domain choices, etc…
A blogger who posts infrequently has no obligation to anyone, they don’t care about the traffic numbers and might just write for themselves. I have spoken to bloggers outside domaining who expressed that exact sentiment.
They wrote for themselves, they like to write and if anyone else joins in, that’s gravy.
So the breadth of topics is sure to be all over the place.
Brand Blogging
Some are blogging to promote their personal or offline brand, someone who is a public speaker is probably going to be laser focused on what they get paid to talk about in the real world.
The one topic that I have seen cause a great deal of negativity and promises of unfollowing, blocking, never reading again, is politics. This does not take place in the blogosphere but on the social media accounts of blogs. I have seen it on both the left and right.
I don’t think most in domaining really knew the political stances of many of those they followed for years, until 2016. I have had people tell me when brokering a name, no libtards, or no white supremacists. That remains the topic that will start a fire and can possibly harm a publication, at least in my opinion.
So give your vote and your thoughts, how do you like your content?
I believe some crypto and tech news mixed in with domain name topics on this publication are nice.
Is Morgan Linton considered a domainer? I thought he was a startup guy, his blog is all over the place and not much for an active domain investor.
Rick can do whatever he likes but the crypto talk got too much, I just unfollowed him on twitter. I don’t mind an article here and there but the ramming it down the twitter timeline got to be too much.
I appreciate thedomains and domaininvesting and onlinedomain, and of course namepros.
Morgan Linton was domain investing way before his startup, and I would say he knows a great deal about domain names.
I think he adds something a bit different to his blog.
Love following the timeline of Rick Schwartz.
Morgan brokered Crypt.com for $60,000 just last month.
I tend to agree I think his blog his weak. I mean he has some fanboys as evidenced here, but not a top 10 domain blog.
I’d say his blog is super weak…but at least he’s buff, have you seen his biceps?
I also appreciate the domains and domaininvesting and onlinedomain, and of course namepros. I am subscribed to all of them, really what I think Rick on Twitter interests me and I do not tire, I have learned from Rick much more than I can teach the whole market domains.
Morgan Linton has been a domainer since 2007 and continues as a start 10 years ago
US Politics have definitely become a major distraction in the domain Industry.
I am so glad that I am Canadian!
I welcome blog posts on possible new investments/tech. Where were all the crypto guys and Rick Schwartz in 2010 with respect to all this? I found out about bitcoin in 2013 when i was looking for alternatives to investing in domains and gold. I didn’t bite on it then even at $70 because I didn’t understand it. Writing about bitcoin now is like writing about dotcom stocks in 2000 right before the crash imo. Unless you think bitcoin is going to $100K or ETH going up another 2000% from here then it’s not really comparable to domains. Personally, I think it will end up closer to $0 than $100K. I can still buy a domain today for $5000 and sell for $100K. I don’t think that applies to crypto unless you trade and you might as well just trade penny stocks instead.
Rick is right and views. Imo.
Crypto is fascinating and love it. Keep doing what your doing.
Personally, I visit the blogs for domain specific news. Writers of course are free to choose whichever topics they like, but I believe the domain blogs, like this one, built a loyal fanbase primarily because of the purity & consistency in focusing on the domain name industry.
If you dilute the focus too often with other ancillary topics, you lose your core base imo. I hope that won’t happen to The Domains cause it’s a tremendous resource.
More about new gTLDs, domaining is repetitive.