In July the focus was on Crypto and shady doings in the auction world. Hopefully the discussion here and on other places like Namepros will bring about some changes to cut back on the shady activity.
The top 5 posts by views for July:
- Namepros member questions if people are bidding on own auctions at NameJet?
- GoDaddy has integrated four new registrars to its expiry and Aftermarket
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Public exposure will only help
How about that split? Looking stronger than ever. I wish Frank would payout in cc’s.
Changes? Are you kidding Mr. Hackney? Are you high?
Without question, the fact that it is business as usual at NameJet is ample obfuscation for further corruption!
The corrupt, incestuous little domain name, controlled in essence by the 2 dozen or so large domain name holders, laugh up their sleeves at the lack of transparency and ‘Wild West’ status quo.
Either you are on something, or you too see best your success selling domain names in the environment that exists.
Changes? lol
You are a comedian!
Am I a comedian ? learn how to read, I said hopefully it will bring about changes. If it doesn’t well then every person has the ability to change that by not patronizing NameJet. See that’s the beauty of online businesses/publications, if you don’t like what they are doing, don’t read/transact business.
If enough people think the way you think, then the business changes or shuts down. If there are not as many people as you would think then maybe you are just smarter than everyone else or wearing a tin foil hat.
Who are you? Another nobody shouting in a teacup. Raymond you should never let trash like this talk this way to you.
Raymond just ignore the trolls, the adults know how to read.
ah, another personal attack!
par for the course
everyone with $9 to register a name is an expert!
person attacks and tin hats aside, the behemoth Godaddy is engaged in Gross ‘CONFLICT OF INTEREST’ as are all registrars selling domains and acting as conduits to NameJet cheats in the domain drop clusterf*** and further engaging as an auction site, lll……wwwwelll.
How do you do VR
You were the one who made the personal attack on Raymond.
Go petition ICANN if you don’t like what Godaddy is doing. None of this is new.
no, you’re right, the domain name business is just fine. all on the up and up, as it were!!!
When everyone decides there is no decision maker tempers flare turning it into a complete spectacle.