.Tech turns 2 years old today, Radix ( an advertiser on TheDomains) has put together an infographic and look back at the first two years of this new gtld.
Certainly the keyword tech is a very popular keyword,
Popularity Index
“tech” is the 4th most popular topic on the internet by domain count.
#1. web
#2. net
#3. art
#4. tech
#5. cloud
#6. shop
#7. home
Source: LeanDomainSearch.com
I own one .tech domain, I do wish the price was lower to renew or transfer. But it is one of the new gtlds that I do like.
On the 1 year anniversary .tech stood at approximately 174,000 registrations. Today they are at 334,000 according to Ntldstats.com.
a snapshot of the .TECH journey so far:
Programming Schools: .TECH partnered with 10+ Programming Schools with a reach of 200k+ students globally. Some of the schools like CoderDojo run up to 1500 dojos that are spread across 69 countries
- Hackathons: .TECH has participated and sponsored 150+ of the best hackathons globally, that reached 30,000 students across 20 countries. .TECH was also a part of Angel Hack’s Global Hackathon. This series runs through 50+ cities, 30+ Countries & brings together 10,000+ developers
Universities: Technology Clubs at top Universities are using .tech:
warwick.tech – University of Warwick, United Kingdom
goldsmiths.tech – Goldsmiths University, United Kingdom
Hsg.tech – University of St Gallen, Switzerland
Startups & Brands: .TECH has emerged as the top online destination of emerging startups with 7000+ Startups. One of them sourced.tech, from Spain also raised $6 million in a Series A funding round
Conferences: Other than startups, .TECH has also been a popular choice for a lot of business and events in the technology space – be it the world’s largest tech conference in Vegas ces.tech (with 4,000+ exhibiting companies, 600+ startups, 180,000+ industry professionals) or Southeast’s premier annual conference connect.tech
Influencers: Leading Tech Influencers like Austin Evans, John Maeda, Edgar.tech, Dom.tech, having a combined base of 5 million+ subscribers. Some of these also feature on the the top 30 Tech influencer list collated by Inc.com
Disclaimer: All domain investing is highly speculative, you may never sell a domain you purchase. A mention here is not a recommendation or solicitation to purchase, do your own research and stick to a budget.
I quite like .tech, I just don’t like the renewal fees, which imho is holding some ngtlds from becoming more mainstream.
Fact is most registries would be bankrupt if the reduced renewal prices. They probably all need to jack the prices up. They are on the opposite side of the equation to domainers.
$250,000 in claimed sales, on average less than $1 for every registered domain. What is the 2 year holding cost so we can a quick profit/loss calculation?
Fair point Paul, but that’s just $250,000 in premium sales, the 334,000 registrations is where they have made their money. Now .Tech was not $185,000 string so they need to make a lot of money to justify the expense. I do think it’s one new extension that has staying power.
Ray, I’m talking about how much domainers could potentially make. The sales figures are terrible, no wonder everyone is losing money.
Oh I agree for a domainer it’s hard to make money, the renewals are too high. I do think it’s a good extension for development. But you cannot own 500 and look to make a lot of money. The renewals will come faster than the adoption rate.
I wonder how many of these registrations are sites?
According to ntldstats.com 66% are parked currently, Google shows 616,000 results for site:.tech (those are not all individual websites) https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3A.tech&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 I think we have to start coming up with a consensus of what a good number of developed sites would be decent?
The ntldstats stuff on parking is not reliable Usage in new gtlds tends to be much lower as most new TLDs in their first five years are only getting started as regards development and consumer awareness. As such they generally have much lower usage rates than bluechip TLDs like .COM or the ccTLDs. There are some new gTLDs that are doing well in terms of usage.
The problem with reaching a consensus is that it requires accurate web usage analysis and knowledge of the economics of a TLD and the registration characteristics of a TLD (is it a high priced TLD or one where discounting is used to drive registrations). I think that Christa Taylor (dottba) did some good analysis of the economics of new gTLDs on CircleID.
That’s why I noted ntldstats and 66% on it’s own is high but you are right could be 85%.
As long as Radix comes up with tweets like that, I can’t take them serious:
.TECH is now #1 #domain for #startups #blogs & #onlinestores. Clearly not just another #domainname. @RadixRegistry
I saw that Tweet and I will get an answer as to why they tweeted that, if there is data to support that claim.
I’m sure that .BLOG might be rather upset about the blogs claim.
It seems to be just marketing hype from Radix.
No, as I thought when I first glanced, Radix did not make this claim, it was a tweet from EuroDNS, they did a blog post about .tech and it was their tweet.
Those kind of claims damage the credibility of new gTLDs. At least it is not Radix making the claims.
They quoted it though
If not number one then surely for all intensive purposes a solid number two which is a humungus achievement.
….penetrating every crevice of the globe in a dazzling feat.