The wholesale price set by the registry of .TV, .XXX, .Porn and .Adult are all increasing on September 1, 2017 and registrars are of course raising their prices on these extensions for registrations and renewals
Of course the price of the domain name you will pay will vary registrar to registrar.
The Wholesale cost of .TV which is operated by Verisign is increasing to $25 a year.
I have received a notice from Dynadot that their .TV price is increasing to
Regular: $29.99
Bulk: $27.99
Super Bulk: $26.75
I received an email from Enom saying their price for .TV will increase $5 on September 1
As far as .XXX, .Porn, .Adult, .Sex the wholesale price as set by the ICM registry will increase to $68 a year from $62 so $6 a year.
The only notice I have received from a registrar so far is Enom which says their price will increase by $8 a year on September 1.
To the extent you have domain names in .TV; .XXX, .Porn, .Sex, .Adult domain extensions you will save money by renewing now.
Any registrar is welcome to put their pricing for these extensions in the comment section and I will update the story later today with those prices.
how was that sour grapes? I think Michael was letting other people know, don’t think he owns any .tv.
Mike was officially designated a “Founder” of the adult industry by ICM when .xxx originally launched. I would love it if Mike shared his experience with us. What has been the return on investment? How many .xxx sites have you developed? How many .xxx sites have you sold? Have any of your domain names been purchased by people who are actually in the industry? What kind of traffic are you seeing? Now that the purchase/renewal rates have increased, will your position change?
If you have a domain going up $8 then it is a good idea to renew before you have to pay more,maybe even register for a few extra years if you expect to hold it longer.
Now an extra $8 to $72 may not be a big thing to you, but what about when you have 10, 50 or 100 domains that are affected and instead of an increase of $8 you are facing an increase of $800 per year.
And seriously, using SEX.TV / PORN.TV as an example to support your statement is idiotic because not every .TV owner has the equivalent.
The only person the sour grapes comment refers to is yourself Rick.
The OP is aimed at alerting readers to an upcoming increase in cost.
I was just letting people know rates are increasing. Saw lots of stories on .net nothing on these extensions.
To Mak
Happy to answer as always:
What has been the return on investment?
How many .xxx sites have you developed?
none but didn’t develop any adult sites using .com either
How many .xxx sites have you sold?
Have any of your domain names been purchased by people who are actually in the industry?
What kind of traffic are you seeing?
Nothing substantial lots more traffic from some new gTLD’s
Now that the purchase/renewal rates have increased, will your position change?
No have dropped most
Have very few .xxx. almost no .sex, .adult .porn
.Tv I still have a few including which i acquired in 2016.
rate increase won’t effect my holdings but I will renew 5 years out before the increase, why not?
As you know, humour doesn’t always translate so well via the written word.
However, the fact that you choose to insult people who responded says your claim of humour is somewhat suspect.
I will have to assess my .tv’s and decide if they are really well suited to the Tv niche, the rest will be dropped due to the price increase, basically not enough interest in this extension as a whole
Increased renewal rates will translate into fewer renewals as end user demand for .TV is not booming. Yes, there are occasional offers but nothing worth holding mediocre keywords or those which do not strongly fit .TV.
Thinking about registering Humungus in all of these extensions including