Mike Mann turned three very recent $20 purchases into $41,776. He tweeted within the last hour.
Things to do near me: sell domains I bought in the last month. Sold https://t.co/eoKFGcM8Va $2888. Purch 06/22/17 $20
— Mike Mann (@mikemanndotcom) July 13, 2017
Wave of wholesale deals, sold https://t.co/xFn04U98nn $10,000. Purch 7/10/17 $20
— Mike Mann (@mikemanndotcom) July 13, 2017
Earlier in the day he sold a domain that makes you just go what the ****?
Salt and pepper hair dude buying a home. Sold https://t.co/xydJtmUhMY $28,888. Purch 3/17/17 $20. Annual return?
— Mike Mann (@mikemanndotcom) July 13, 2017
That’s crazy
thingstodonearme.com, reg on 2016
wavewholesale.com, reg on 2015
When they were regged, not when purchased by Mann.
He sold names that domainers don’t think to invest in with incredible good prices. He is the best domains marketer in the world.
is this man even human! simply mindboggling.. maybe ” MIKE MANN” is a code name for some type of app.. lol
Congratulations! inspiration, and aspiration.
Amazing..this guy could sell ice to the Inuits
Sorry have a hard time believing this. Show me proof
Willing to bet Mr. Mann does not care what you believe.
Nor do I care about these supposed sales.
Think about it. No one in their right mind would pay that much money to brand a name that doesn’t make sense and hard to remember. I challenge him to show proof of sale and who. Ought it that’s not his wife or some other related person?
Makes me not want to drop domains.
Maybe I should get Mike to broker my domains — and give him a 30% commission.
The Mann is the Man. Put that on a T-Shirt
Such garbage domains that I wouldn’t even take for free, let alone pay reg fee for. That really strains credibility.
No doubt many industry luminaries agree with that but would never say so publicly because of who it is.
So that leaves me wondering if this is even true.
Even if he could produce so called “proof,” would it be faked or phony in some way?
On the other hand, the point has been made before that with 400k domains, a few of these kinds of insane anomalies are bound to occur. So then maybe they are real.
Did anyone see the recent blog post about soliciting investors by the way?
Is DomainMarket.com really better referred to as DomainMadoff.com?
P.S. Who wants to bet $100 this post I just made gets removed?
P.P.S. Go ahead and remove it if you want, btw. I’m a bit ambivalent about posting it anyway. But for the record, I would not even have shared these blunt honest thoughts here now were it not for how a domain I was paying for over 15 years ago got mysteriously stopped in the middle of payment, my best find of the day, completely disappeared from existence and became impossible to register for days, and then magically reappeared three days later with BuyDomains.com and a registration date three days after my blocked attempt and every attempt in the preceeding three days. That’s the kind of thing one sometimes still thinks about.
I agree with you John. Those of us that have been at this game for years know better.
Maybe the guys who run SaltandPepperHome(dot)eu want the .com. Looks like Mike and his team have done their research to find potential buyers first before buying these names.
Indeed suspicious. One week ago Mike Mann is looking for investments (http://www.domaininvesting.com/mike-mann-seeking-investment-capital/), and now he reveals these domain sales to attract/convince these investors?
PS: Why would you need investors anyway if you are able to buy so cheap and sell for so much?
PS2: On the other hand, it would hurt someone’s credibility in an irreversible way if something would be fishy with any of these sales
Mann has always produced sales, on top of that, credibility with who? He doesn’t sell to domainers, I doubt he cares what the peanut gallery thinks.
Actually there’s a lot of experienced domainer’s here in “The Peanut Gallery” verses “Ass Kisser’s”
Experienced domainers in what camp, you are nobody in this biz and I am pretty sure you know that. But who are the experienced domainers in these comments that are anywhere close to Mike Mann ? #crickets
Mike Mann is the gold standard for this business. The guy is on his second time around, buy names was an incredible outfit he sold it and built domain market.
I guess this puts Rick Schwartz’s theory of Pigeon Shit all to hell! ?
Well look on the bright side, whether everything is legit or not, you have to admit “DomainMadoff.com” is pretty funny stuff.
SaltandPepperHome.com ?!?! $28,888 ?!?!
Yeah, right !
That is called WOW
One thing is obvious, he has shown that there are some patterns of Three Words dot com that work. In DomainMarket.com he said that CareYourWay.com is sold for 24,888 $. And two month ago another domainer follow him by selling HearYourWay.com for 10,000$ (Namebio). Both name will be considered as pigeon s*** for most of us..
Fact: many long multi-word domains are extremely valuable. Some worth a fortune.
Fact #2: those particular three word domains really are pidgeon s–t.
These are far from pigeon-sh*t — excellent corporate domain names for consumer-facing marketing campaigns.
“Things to do near me”
Search volume: 550,000/mo | CPC: $1.93
Hmm…doesn’t look like pigeon sh*t anymore.
all these kind of sales are inspiring and shows that there can be gems everywhere, but it hides the very important fact – that most seem to ignore or don’t want to see – that this is only possible if you have thousands and thousands of domains. and those thousands an thousands of domains that don’t get sold year after year will eat your profits to the bone.
it is not an easy business and i am sure Mike Mann knows his stuff but I bet things are much more tough today than they were, say, 10 years ago. 10 years ago it would be more easy to get a better gems/to pigeon sh*t ratio, and there were other ways to finance the portfolio throw parking and affiliate marketing.
those times are gone and competition is high. no wonder Mike Mann is looking for investors, or the Reberry Brothers have opened their drop catch system to the public, or even Frank Schilling lowering their average sales and going after more block sales than individual ones.
remember also that most people fail and will continue to fail at this business, like in every other business. and about that silent majority rarely someone talks about it.
I hand registered a gtld at 8:30am this morning for $25, immediately posted it to Sedo, and just five minutes ago sold it BIN for $1,488 (12 hours from when I registered it and posted to Sedo). Will post details once I get paid.