Domain Research Group the people behind, was nice enough to go through the .com zone file and identify all the emoji names that exist in .com.
There are 233 in total, (currently emojis are unable to be registered in gtlds like com,net and org).
We’re defining “emoji” very loosely here… it’s more interesting to see the wider array of weird characters in dotcom domains than to get too hung up on the argument as to what’s a pictograph and what’s an emoji.
Here’s are some of the names on the list of all Emoji Domains which live in dotcom:
XN–01H.COM ◊.com
XN–1-XCA.COM 1®.com
XN–11HA.COM ○○.com
XN–13H.COM .com
XN–14H.COM ☴.com
XN–16H.COM ♺.com
XN–1BI.COM ✆.com
XN–1CI.COM ✩.com
XN–1VH.COM ⓹.com
XN–26H.COM .com
XN–2BI.COM ✇.com
XN–3BI.COM .com
You can check out the full list here on Medium
as always interesting stuff Jon, but what take emoji domains from the curious, the bizarre, the tricky little corner of the room to the main stage is accessibility.
Look at your email inbox, what stands out, color graphical emojis
And for me, it reverss every trend that has hurt domains in the past 15 years (ie websites and companies capturing the browser, kids and youth sipping domains, everything being taken so need long names) – emoji domains – both the rare scarce .coms, and where all the growth is,, is being able to type in from the browser bar.
You just type the emoji, then com for the few, and .ws for the many. What better shortener than one or more meaningful characters, and a shot tld
Remember, you just type them in
and oh, yeah the emoji keyboard is on most ios and more and more android (update your system) ON PHONES WORLDWIDE. ts the only language spoken globally besides engliish
World Emoji Day Coming July 17th
Page Howe
When you make it easier on the consumer to get where they want to go, you’ll get adopted.
Is literacy becoming a forgotten language?
and this folks is when you know you are at the end of a bubble…
wait did i miss the bubble?
XN–2BI.COM ✇.com
Is this the fidget spinner emoji? ??
Is there a code / emoji for the Dominatrix ??