“The good, the bad and the ugly” An opportunity for readers to discuss what they like and don’t like about a particular company in the domain space.
Each post will deal with just one company, readers are encouraged to share their positive and negative experiences. Suggestions for improvement are also encouraged.
One of the goals of the column is that company representatives will see how their customers think of them. This can lead to a conversation on fixing problems.
What is not allowed:
- Personal attacks on individuals at the chosen company
- Promoting a competitor
- Posting domains for sale
The company in the spotlight today is Namepros
Founded: 2003
The good, it’s thriving and the site loads fast with a modern interface and with out errors..
The bad, there is no way to filter the domains for sale which makes it too time consuming to search for names you want to buy. A good start would be a filter by extension so only names for sale in a given TLD are returned.
There are a few know-it-alls there. They’re really annoying. If you frequent Namepros than you know who I’m talking about.
Wading through all the garbage domains on Namepros is a giant waste of time but it will be the same anywhere. I enjoy some of the conversations that take place that are helpful in the industry. Dont like the trolls that just start stuff . Eric seems to be fair the majority of the time.
VR thread just full of rubbish names and self promoting twaddle
It used to be a decent site for learning about domains, pricing, sales. But this blog and 2 others provide better information.
I purchased some domains on the site in 2008, names I later dropped.
I listed some high value key word .com domains for sale in 2015, but a NP moderator informed me the prices were too high, due to all the GTLD alternatives. Rather than lowering the prices, I listed them on SEDO where all but 2 sold within one month for the prices I set.
I think the site has value, but needs to be revamped . Also there’s a large community of GTLD true believers there who seem to be prey off new domain investors.
Pros: easy to login — nice messaging system
Cons: site is “too busy” and too many site moderators, etc promoting their own agendas
I agree the site is really busy and there’s stuff being posted every minute of every day. It can be overwhelming so I only look at their Popular This Week threads. When I’m really busy, I just wait for their Top Topics blog post and read the threads in it.
Good: Great community and scumbags like Frank Shilling, Danielle Negari, Adam Dicker, get called out instead of some of the bloggers who kiss there ass and delete any message that are critical of facts to protect there sponsors. Raymond Hackey is good as well, much respect to you my friend.
Bad: Too many trolls who focus on non-productive things which waste everybody time.
Ugly: Too many dudes, we need more women to make it more beautiful over there:-)
Namepros is the most important website in this business. Not the biggest or richest (GoDAddy), but the most important.
Great: Free dialogue with other domainers and the heartbeat of what’s going on in the industry
Good: Marketplace for liquidating domains without paying any fees or commissions.
Bad: Marketplace needs more features.
Ugly: Trolls, but Namepros does a better job of handling trolls than most blogs do in their comments
Mike is right, domaining needs more women! L)
LOL, I like how Timothy added “Great” because good, bad, ugly are slanted toward negativity (two-thirds negative). There should be two of each (2 positive and 2 negative categories).
GREAT: All of my business acquaintances and friends are there. It’s basically Facebook for domainers. I don’t even look at Facebook anymore.
GOOD: Well moderated and fair. Transparent buying and selling of domains.
BAD: More content than I have time to read.
OOGLY: I haven’t received a VIP badge yet but I’m super close!!!
My favorite thing is that I can search for and send a message to the Big Time domainers like Frank Schilling. I don’t know their email addresses (emails on WhoIS are only read by their employees it seems) but I have direct access to them on Namepros.
My least fav thing is that I can’t hide posts from newbies like me because I only want to read the posts by experts on there.
Domainers selling names to other Doaminers does not interest me in the least.
The person attacks offered up by frequenters is distasteful.
Lastly, having my names shit on by those that find it necessary will keep me far away.
Hello Robert,
Keep in mind that NamePros does not only cater to resellers these days. We have members from all walks of life across the globe. More and more end-users are using NamePros to secure domain assets to brand and develop due to the ability to get a premium asset for a fraction of the cost they would have to spend elsewhere.
If you are ever threatened or attacked on NamePros by another member, you can use the “Report” feature and a moderator will assist you by investigating the situation and taking immediate actions where a rule violation took place.
When it comes to public appraisal listings, keep in mind that it is a discussion forum and members are free to express their opinions on value. It may not always be what we want to hear, none the less, they may provide their opinion freely (Please don’t take it personally). Bearing in mind that opinions shared on namepros must always be respectful and constructive.
For a more private appraisal, There is a professional appraisal forum that isn’t indexed in search engines and provides you with the ability to engage with VIPs & Business Members ONLY.
Please login to NamePros and report the incidents directly to me that you are referring to so I can personally Investigate the matters for you.
I look forward to assisting you in these matters.