Walden Savings Bank is moving from a .com to a .bank. An article published in RecordOnline.com gave some background and stats on the usage of .bank.
Many have not used their .bank domain due to the costs of such things as computer/email systems, marketing materials, etc…
From the article:
So far, 2,723 banks have registered 5,591 iterations of the .bank web address, though banking experts say it remains to be seen when and whether a widespread movement will build behind its use.
Most have, in essence, been squatting on the domains. Just 300 banks, or 4 percent of America’s 6,800 financial firms, are actually using the domain – an 18 percent uptick since Jan. 1, said Doug Johnson, one of the American Bankers Association’s top cyber security officials.
In New York, only Champlain National Bank in Westport, Country Bank in Manhattan, North Country Savings Bank in Canton and Sawyer Savings Bank in Saugerties have made the change.
“More and more banks are making the switch, but we’re watching those numbers really closely to see if we’re reaching a tipping point,” said Johnson.
What is their domain name on .bank? There is no mention of it in the original article and Google search gave no indication. I hope it’s Walden.bank. Their current name WaldenSavingsBank.com is too long and shows weakness.
The name doesn’t flow at all Waldensavings.bank, the dot is superfluous and will easily be forgotten. At least the own the .com.