Ali Zandi took some time to explain his recent strategy for hand registrations. In the very popular available domains thread, Ali lists which names he picked up from Bill Eisenmann’s lists.
Ali went of topic a tad to detail how he picked up 4600 .com names during a Fasthosts promotion for cheap .coms.
I reg’d around 4,600 names ~60 days ago and added them all to Afternic. Made 50% my investment back already.
When asked how long it took to compile his list ? Ali replied:
Haha! Actually spent ~200 hours obtaining/sorting data, creating permutations and scouring deleted names lists and created a list of ~5M domains that are were available (had bulk availability checker developed)… then sorted those by certain metrics, picked the best ones and reg’d as many as possible each day (since FH only allowed 50 reg’s at at time) till the promotion ended. I also reg’d a lot of the daily deleted names along side the list I made.
5 million names is a big list, thanks to Ali for sharing his research methodology.
so quick question, even if inside the 60 day window you can list with afternic for fast transfer?
or do all afternic listings appear on the godaddy path, even if not fast transfer.
ALI, great job of professional domaining.
Great to hear of your success Ali, great job!
Page- If you list in Afternic during the 60 day window it will be distributed across the network as slow- transfer for those first 60 days. Even with the domains being in slow-transfer your domains will show up on most of the major registrars (GoDaddy, NetSol, etc.) so it is still well worth your time. At the end of the day opting your domains in to Fast Transfer tends to see a 10-15% lift depending on the domains.
Thanks Page!
Alan answered it exactly.
that sounds exhausting
What’s exhausting is working a 9-5 that goes nowhere. What we do as investors, is exciting. At least to me it is.
What was the fasthost promotion?
Probably why the promo ended. Same thing caused the reshift of godaddy promos.
Fasthost is very hard to account to setup, and push out of, many domainers do not add oppurtunity cost of 200 hours of time, let’s say $10 per hour is $2000.
So add that to your real costs. Don’t forget to remove 20 percent from
Afternic commissions also.
This only could happen because fasthosts took a 80 percent loss on the registration, otherwise with a reg fee portfolio of maybe 1 percent sell thru the numbers would not make sense.
The 200 hours of time wasn’t just for a one time registration pursuit – that data stays with me forever. So even at $10 per hour for a lifetimes worth of solid data to backup registrations – data which can be easily updated now with up to date information/metrics = totally worth it.
Without the promo – this wouldn’t make sense, I agree – that would net a MUCH lower return at these pricepoints (although still profit at only 2% sell through) by end of reg cycle.
The numbers made sense, the data and the permutations were top notch, and so the trigger was pulled on a nice investment opportunity. Even after the 20% commission to Afternic, the average NET return has been ~43,000% with about half the investment already paid back within 60 days.
I’m not the only one that was able to register this many – some were able to get even more, but it’s on them to say it, not me
That’s what I was going to say Ali, this is your job it’s not time taken away from being an accountant or nurse or some other occupation. The time would be spent anyway.
Totally agree. Time passes regardless of what I’m doing – and since this is my full time job, then I better put every minute to good use.
I guess time will tell, something tells me we are a few months out from another flippa firesale.
Ali: Did you price them all the same (e.g., $999) or differently?
I’ve been playing with pricing on these since day one. List them at one price for a couple weeks to see how they do, then change pricing and compare results till I can settle on one.
What price point has your preliminary results shown to generate most interest?
5M list is impossible
Raymond – looks like you are having fun
I did not write 5 million, Ali posted it on Namepros.
The original list was over 100M possible permutations – of which 5M were available. Don’t see how that’s impossible – I’m staring at the list
Awesome article, thanks for sharing!
1) If you regged domains on a Cheap Registrar like Fasthosts you are a Broke domainer. Bad image for any domainer.
2) Last year he made a “Good Bye” thread on a domain forum, maybe its another strategy to liquidate a lot of his crappy domains after the “Good bye” thread, which is a terrible strategy, and now he come back with this massive regged “strategy”, LOL
3) Managing a 4,600 mega crappy domains is a pain in the ass. You wont be able to sell 99% of all bad names in one year, and he obviously wont have money to pay all the 4,600 renewals!
5) I feel even more better after reading this post.
Less quantity and more QUALITY!!!
Is that something I hear coming from the nosebleed section? Mosquito? Nah, it’s this guy:
That’s some very ultra high premium list there at flippa…
@ OmarVG,
That is one ULTRA-CRAPPY list of domains you have on Flippa!!!
$50,000 minimum bid on most?!?! LMFAO!!!
I believe therapists call his behavior “projecting”.
I think ALI you have exited this industry about 3 times now, I have lost count.
You make these lists, then you put a mega portfolio sale on flippa for 30 days, 10 days before the auction is set to close, it ends, and it is all over.
Then rinse, and repeat you are back doing it all over again.
I followed you when you said to bundle one good name with a whole bunch of not so good names, and sell it to some newbies on flippa. That whole flippa crew is like poof now, the site is on fumes, are you for real, or just a hypster?
Never exited the industry – only took a bunch of time away to deal with family issues which frankly aren’t yours or anyone else’s business. As far as bouncing around – it’s just what I do, I’m wired that way. I go from idea to idea to idea and onward – been that way since I was a little kid. Some things stick because they keep my interest – most things don’t because they bore me.
Whether I am for real or not isn’t up to you, or anyone else – it’s up to revenue I continue to generate buying, selling, brokering, and acquiring domains full time. I’m happy, my kid is happy, and my bank account is happy.
As far as Flippa goes – they are their own company, I haven’t worked there in ages.
And it’s spelled Hipster.
Right on, Ali!
Keep doing your thing!
Let the Haters Hate.
Re: Hypster : “And it’s spelled Hipster” LOL!
AliZandi let almost all of these 4600 domains go without making a dime. He’s a manic who thinks that the few flashes in the pan he was successful with buying low and selling high mean that he knows something others don’t.
Now all he does is broker because his domain picker is broken.
LOL!! you are 100% right Abi. He is NOT SUCCESSFUL as domainer and he is FAILING as “broker” too! LMFAO!!!
Great Job Ali
Good Luck!!!
Let the haters hate…
Hahaha! What a great video
I think it is a very good tactic.The fact that you already got half of your money back in 2 months just proves that it’s working.
I did the same thing with 1,000 .com.I bought them at $1.99 a name and i already sold 2 names for $1,980 each within 4 months.I got to admit i did not spend 200 hrs locating them.I just used a pattern that Chinese like.
Both names i sold to China.
Thanks for the post.
How many more years i have to wait for my comments not to be moderate by you until i’m worthy enough that they will post directly ?Really … i wanna know.Because it has been 8 years since i write here and with Michael was not an issue.
All comments are moderated now, too much nonsense, it was either that or do away with comments.
I loved this promo, wish i had the bandwidth to take on more domains. I only did about 150
BTW – if you post to Sedo – mark as Tucows to be eligible for fast transfer (after 60 days)
and… dying laughing at mosquito post
First off congrats and testing. Can’t go wrong with afternic.
Now having read this, I can’t imagine how your itemizing each single domain and showing this to IRS as inventory ? The drops. The amount of domains. An accounting nightmare unless you have a book keeper and or have countless hours in this.
Kinda assume how it’s being done but will leave it as that. Many successes in this and off to races.
Dear Ali, thank for sharing your story with us!
Quick question: you mentioned to have the process of bulk checking domains to have automated with a tool. Would that tool be for sale somewhere or published as open source code?
Hope to see you in the next Domain Sherpa show, now that Andrew Rosener took over!
– Jan de Wit