So Jason Calacanis sold for $1.75 million as reported on his Twitter account. James Iles on Namepros confirmed the sale details.
When Jason tweeted out that he was leaning towards selling, a couple well known domainers tweeted back.
Morgan Linton told Jason to go for it:
@Jason Do it!
— Morgan Linton (@morganlinton) April 11, 2017
Andrew Rosener disagreed:
@Jason @DomainSherpa Don’t sell. You’re selling into a low market on the cusp of a magnitude shift in value over the next 3 years.
— (@MediaOptions) April 12, 2017
Now Jason has stated in the past that he had offers in the $2 and $3 million range.
Was this a mistake to sell for $1.75 million ? Only time will tell and I expect strong opinions on both sides.
Market has halved but market is what it is, simply isn’t known if it will be higher or lower in future.
Domains are like the stock market, no one can time it correctly, no one can buy at the very low and sell at the very high. If Warren can’t do it, don’t even try it. In general the market is giving you very good liquidity at the moment, especially for NN and NNN domains. No one knows what is in 3 years. Prices could easily correct another 30-40%.
It is a dead asset with almost zero carry-costs but I agree with Jason; the money is better invested in new startups that actually might solve some problems or develop a new technology. After all it is just a domain and someone is paying you $1.75M for it. Take the money, say thank you and move on.
I would have sold it for 1.75 as well. A lot of money, even after the decline in value over the years.
He did GREAT!!
Don’t even think about it.
Clearly the right decision, congrats.
This was a good sell.
Well I hate to disagree with Rick on this but I feel that is way too low for that one, even notwithstanding any current or temporary lull in the market. Even now $3m and up, potentially way way up in fact, would be more simply reasonable. But as Jim Cramer sometimes says, no one ever got hurt taking a profit I guess…
I would have hold it like Andrew said another 3 years.
in 3 years ,could be dead ,enjoy your money and your life now
dont be greedy
Only that person knows if it is the best choice for them. Both sides can be right of course, time will tell but the question for the seller is if it is the right answer for them.
If you’re going to talk in circles, why post at all?
I don’t talk in circles, I simply stated both opinions have the possibility of being correct however the person needs to make the right decision for them at that time.
Some people would rather hold and maybe rightly so.
Some may have use for the funds now, be it new ventures, fear or otherwise.
Why do I bother to post at all you say, good question.
You did it again.
As the broker of record on the transaction, it was a solid price for an owner that had the name for years. It was the opportune time to cash out and focus on other solid investments. Should the seller really hold for another 6 months, hoping the market rebounds and maybe take home an extra 100k? I dont think so.
This was a solid sale and the actual price was 1.76m usd.
Of course it was solid but it was $1.25 million less than previous offers he had.
But nice try.
Did he really need you at all is my question? I don’t think so truthfully…
Joe, if the market “rebounds” he would have taken home $3million, not an extra 100k, He said himself he has has been offered $3million.
If you never had six or seven figure offers you may not know this but allot if not most of the times the offers are not “closeable”. Not that they are fake, its just that if you say yes you get lots of people who will try to reneg or just walk away and not continue to closing. So those 2M – 3M “offers” are just that – offers. Doesn’t mean the cash was ever there. On the other hand., the 1.76M was real, and so we now have a deal.
Congrats, its a good number.
Well Done!
It is, and this name, and any name ending in 0, or o, can often get confused as one or the other.
That onto itself, could easily make this name less desirable, and take a big hit of getting much less.
Now, go buy some great .com’s with your sale, and purchase outright that beautiful house you have in mind!
Bradley NYC
No… (and I’m putting it nicely).
I think the price is a little on the low end, but hey with the right strategy he can flip that 1,75 Million ito 10 million in 3 years, so why would he not sell!. congratulations to the seller as long you feel good about it
Once the decision to sell was made I wonder if the older offers were contacted first? Either way congratulations on a fantastic sale! You can’t spend domains, but you can spend money.
Great domain.
Congrats on the sale.