You deal with a lot of companies in the domain game, from registrars to registries, escrow companies and aftermarket sites to hosting companies and parking/web development.
Which company do you trust the most and why ?
Comments that do not answer that question and that question alone, will be removed.
Godaddy! Steady, rock solid service for years. Reasonably priced products and reliable hosting. I give them an A+
I agree with you – Godaddy also gets my vote — Always Honest — Thorough — Timely — Interesting — Informative — Wellrounded…
The best registrars is Godaddy. I have sold some domains and buyers always asked to transfer the domains to Godaddy. is also reliable, easy and secure. I haven’t found a reliable aftermarket till now. Best hosting company is also Godaddy.
I Have had the least amount of problems there.
I am with all the above, DnJournal then GoDaddy & Dynadot… never had issues. I feel the best tools are NameBio & Efty.
Without a doubt the most trusted company in the domain industry is GoDaddy…..It’s customer service rocks on all levels. Call, email or message for great personalized service. Have a question or concern on the domain forum NamePros? They are there too…..Generally, public companies have a bureaucratic process that kills customer service, that is absolutely not the case with GoDaddy…..(Thank you Jonathan L. for your dedication)
Uniregistry – No doubt!
From Registry to escrow service, Uniregistry is by far the company I trust the most!
Except when it comes to registration fees for their TLDs
I trust Rick Schwartz above everyone else.
Godaddy. First and foremost. Before I started with domains sedo afternic flippa uni registry np mann schilling and all the others meant nothing to me.
Never heard of them before buying my first domain, but I have known about Danica Patrick for years.
So my first domain was with godaddy and I haven’t strayed too far away.
Just goes to show the power of advertising. Nowadays, I know the other companies but godaddy was my first.
Ricks Blog
I trust my favorite registrar before it was back in 2005 when I got my first domain name. I also Godaddy and Uniregistry since I haven’t had any problems with them as for hosting I would pick Hostgator they provided me with good hosting several times in the past.
There’s a few more companies that I trust I always go back to because they gave me good service.
Domains – GoDaddy or a GoDaddy reseller
Escrow – Payoneer Escrow
Hosting – Liquid Web
Raymond Hackney
NameSilo, great all around registrar.
I should add that NameSilo has great pricing and volume discounts. They also have great sales landers and charge 7.5% commission, half of what most marketplaces charge, and they have a rent-to-own system.
Been using NameCheap for my personal domains for 10+ years and haven’t had a problem once. They get knocked for their poor customer service, yet every time I’ve ever needed help, they answered my question ASAP
I personally have a good experience with namecheap, dropping.
Godaddy I do not trust at all they always want to sell me extra products in a sneaky way and I have to be very careful not renew domain for many years instead of one year.
I cannot believe but I see one person put here Uniregistry, actually i should not be surprised because he is using .xyz extension.
Overall from start to finish Godaddy, Uniregistry took a credibility hit, we are consolidating out portfolio from the stragglers at moniker name cheap name netsol etc.. and were pushing to uniregistry, but will divert to godaddy now after Frank’s actions today. I feel he misled alot of people, and just lost some trust with them for that.
I know lots of registry partners are angry, as they marketed these products to their customers, and now they have to deal with the customer service end of explaining a 3000% price increase.
I thought we could only pick one company…
Since we can have more than one
here’s mine:
Registrat: GoDaddy
Closing Services:
Fun: — vids
Personality: Elliot Silver
Convention or Expo: NamesCON
~Patricia Kaehler — Ohio USA — DomainBELL
Yikes… Sorry Patricia & Mike. I may have started that chaos of more then 1.
Uniregistry: +1
NameSilo & Voodoo
Go daddy
Raymond and Michael
Ron Jackson
Godaddy – stellar service
Michael, Raymond, Andrew A, Elliot, Rick
Godaddy. Its the best.
Namejet and Escrow follows.
namejet has horrible customer service
Persons—Raymond Hackney and Rob Monster .
Registrar –
Seems to me not many fellow domainers have experienced
The sleeping giant is awakening ,
NamePros then Payoneer
I suppose to say Uniregistry but with the recent price increase, no way.
I vote for GoDaddy.
Thank you.
Am surprised I have not yet seen CSC referenced here. For corporate domain portfolios, it’s not even close in my opinion. CSC’s Digital Brand Services is by far the one I trust the most.
Thanks for listing the categories, Patricia. Hope you don’t mind me copying some of them. Here’s my list:
Information: (too many to list. Blogs)
Registrat: GoDaddy,,
Hosting: LiquidWeb
Fun: DomainGang
Community: & hopefully DNF again with the new owners (that needs time)
Personality: Elliot Silver
absolutely Uniregistry and, they are always transparent and provide so many services for free. They appear to be the least greedy in the industry and that’s why I trust them the most.