The hashtag #Resist and the use of the word has been trending all over Twitter and the media to protest President Trump’s agenda and really picked up steam since the Grammy awards aired on Sunday.
In many cases hashtags lead people to the matching .com site and in the case of, all anti-President Trump people, as well as President Trump supporters and the rest of the world are not going to like what they find there.
Here is the Alexa Traffic chart:
Instead of promoting an anti-trump agenda which the hashtag was born around, the domain which has been owned for over 10 years, is sub-named W.A.R which according to the site seems to stand for the “White Voice of the Lone Wolf”
Describes itself as a “White Aryan Resistance educational repository on the benefits of racial separation, highlighting the dangers of multiculturalism and promoting racial identity and a territorial imperative.”
The site contains the lovely topics like “How Jews Do Away With Holocaust Victims” and other “White Aryan” positions which are offensive to pretty much anyone in the World that is not a member of the “White Aryan Resistance”.
To some degree when people use a hashtag in huge numbers the .com site is bound to get extra traffic so consider what you find on before you promote the term.
Many on Twitter have started using #theresistance, at least matching .com of that word goes to a parked page (not mine) which is a lot better than what you will find on
Disgusting waste of a tremendous domain.
That’s gotta hurt…someone.
I remember someone (prominent) memtioning some raibows-and-unicorns type name that they had not been developed yet, when I visited the site / parked page there were ads for guns. This was over 10 years ago, just saying.