There are names and then there are names, some are so controversial and vile that most people would never want any association with them. We wrote back in December about the uproar surrounding the domain name being auctioned at Namescon.
Well now what is one of, if not the most offensive word in the English language, so offensive it is usually only mentioned as “The N Word” has fallen through a couple cracks. has been owned by the NAACP as far back as 2001 according to Domain Tools. It looks like someone there has unfortunately let that domain name expire.
To add insult to injury NameJet included the name in their daily newsletter today.
Under exclusive to NameJet the domain which is registered at was included on daily list of domains.
Now this is more than likely that the daily list is an automated list not hand curated by a person. There should be a filter for certain controversial or inflammatory keywords or maybe someone should start eyeballing the list before allowing it to be sent out. should do the right thing and not allow the domain name go to auction although the NAACP bears the responsibility of not allowing the domain name to expire for non-payment and then be subsequently dropped to the highest bidder.
Here are the domain names listed today on the list as exclusive:
There are currently 40 backorders on the domain name with 12 days to go and currently the high bid is $301.
With all the division and political discord in the country it is imperative that the domain does not end up in the wrong hands who would use the name in a nefarious way.
here comes the good costumes and puritan commission…
Yes Jose what I meant by that is that it does not get featured in a newsletter. If it expired it expired that I understand. I meant I would not want it going out in the newsletter, if it’s automated NameJet didn’t even know it was in there and management might not want that either.
Somewhere out there…David Duke must surely have to change underwear right about now.
Amazing to me that the NAACP could overlook this domain and let it expire. Termination level mistake in my opinion.
Why doesn’t the registry delete the name completely?
Someone will come along and do the right thing with the domain.
Yes, this name should just be in some sort of suspended status, wait till mainstream media gets a hold of it.
I will reach out to the NAACP to inform them that this domain has expired.
Thanks to The Domains for alerting the public about this auction.
I’m all for the freedom of speech, but I’d prefer this domain to be either suspended or serve as a history lesson for instruction on how such racial epithets can be hurtful, mean-spirited, and damaging.
I realize the epithet also is used as slang and jargon in the rap/hiphop world,.
Maybe someone can do something positive with the URL. But I’d prefer the domain to be “retired”
It is an interesting story for sure.
The music industry should buy it and build a page that lists all the rappers that use the N word.
That list of rappers would be long but to round it out we could add all the Presidents that used it too, so what like roughly 51 more names?
Huge fail by NAACP here in the old days a quick letter by a lawyer and excuse of employee forgot to renew would get it back.
Amazing how so many white people have nothing better to do than to work themselves and get offended on behalf of blacks. It’s just an offensive/rude word smh. A WORD. Maybe concern yourselves with real problems more, instead of nonsense like this. Those of you saying in here that you’re “all for freedom of speech”, no, you in no way support free speech at all so don’t even pretend you do. You’re all in favor of censorship.
There’s a place for censorship. It should be illegal to yell “fire” in a crowded theater and freedom of speech has to be balanced against freedom from harassment. Nevertheless I like your comment, although I think you could have made your point in a more respectful way.
People will concern themselves with whatever they want they won’t listen to some anonymous Twat on a domain blog.
In my humble opinion it should be bought and offered to Trump’s sons, and only them, at BIN USD 99 milion. Have we seen their passports or tax returns yet?
Rolf Sonne Rasmussen
President Trump has already done more for the African-American Community in the last 4 weeks than the Kenyan-born Marxist did in eight years.
Most corps, orgs dont take domains seriously enough and that needs to change
Don’t they still have time to renew the domain?
It’s not only nigger.vom but also and
i picked up the name at auction about 17 years ago. (maybe 30 bucks, don’t remember exactly) thought it might be a great name for a rapper, especially a white rapper. figured it would probably be useless but high value if it hits. this is domaining. renewed.