Cameron Bale from dropped me a note to let me know that the .Ceo and .best registries will be releasing 1 and 2 character names on Feb 20, 2017. When you click the google docs link it will show you pricing.
- Releasing 2 Char domains
- Releasing over 30,000 Reserved Names
- Reducing the prices of over 3,000 Premium Domains
See the lists for .Best here:
spreadsheets/d/1hCfFNc2MevL- 19pkY8-2Bu7Pq1R- 4gf2OGiXkKFKu8U/edit?usp= sharing See the lists for .CEO here:
spreadsheets/d/ 1Rlh4FsCbcDYBmoThRvWE1XxkBOLrJ QJfid8fDOdBo44/edit?usp= sharing
I’m a big fan of new GTLDs, but .best is one of those shitty extensions domainers should not spend a penny on.
Hi Gabriel,
.Best has been popular with SMEs looking to get competitive edge by creating domains that are exact matches for searches that render their products or services (eg WirelessRouters.Best or BBEdmonton.Best) – I understand names like these can be a tough on-sell for domainers.
This upcoming release will see the availability of more generic SLDs on .Best – Hopefully we will see some innovative registrations.
More like (which, by the way, goes to a site that tries to install malware on your computer.)
It’s easy to see why Vacuums.Best was created.
ThePrice.Best at $129 isn’t.