In a poll just out tonight by Breitbart/Gravis 71% of US registered voters are opposed to the transition in which the US gave up oversight over ICANN.
For those in the ICANN community the poll question was less than entirely accurate.
“The United States will relinquish its administrative control over the Internet to a private organization where other countries, which could include China, Russia and Iran, will have influence for the first time on the management of the Internet. Do you think this is a good idea or not?”
71% called the policy a “bad idea,” while only 7% called it a “good idea,” and 21% were “unsure.”
I’m not sure what the people who were unsure were unsure about; maybe the question itself or more likely they never heard of ICANN.
“The poll was conducted Oct. 3 among 1,690 registered voters with a 2.4% margin of error.”
Of course the question was not properly formed and my guess is if a poll was taken a month ago just asking if you have heard of ICANN and in any basic way what the organization did you might get a 20% or so correct rate.
Just a few days ago a poll taken by ABC News/SSRS found 41% couldn’t correctly name Donald Trump’s running mate and 46% did not know Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential nominee.
Although I have been against the transition for a long time its a silly questions and a crappy poll
The old saying crap in, crap out (CICO) comes to mind.
To bad they should have asked an accurate unbiased question.
I think the result would have been about the same with the vast majority of American’s against the move, but they didn’t have to go with such a silly, inaccurate question
I hang at many forums and what folks seem to think is that the US is giving up “The Internet”.
“Kiss the internet goodbye”.
I believe some folks are getting ready to bug out.
The liberal Left supported Net neutrality. (They happened to be right about Net neutrality too, the importance of which surely transcended politics and partisanship.) Consequently, they did a great job and the liberal left-dominated media was fully at their disposal to make practically every man, woman and child in America know about it and care about it, culminating in the historic genius piece by John Oliver.
This time, however, the importance and potential consequences also transcended politics and partisanship just as much or more, but the liberal left did not support it and was more or less fully on board with the agenda. Consequently, they and the liberal left-dominated media did a great job of making sure if practically happened under the radar and for all intents and purposed hardly anyone in American knew what was going or what it was about, and of making it out to be a partisan political issue in the minds of those who were aware, instead of what it really was and is.
(Disclaimer: contrary to what one might think from this, I am neither “liberal” nor “conservative”; neither “left” nor “right”; neither Republican nor Democrat. I’m an independent thinker, accepting and rejecting the best and worst of both.)
Well I support the transition, but that has a lot to do with my drop in confidence of US oversight due to the current state of politics in the states.
What a silly oriented question.
And to the question :
Do you want to live longer ?
94% said yes and 6% said i’m unsure.
Lots of other silly questions :
Do you want to drink polluted water ?
Would you be happy if your wife cheated on you ?
Would you like to lose your hair ?
Do you thin your life would be better if you were homeless ?
“less than entirely accurate” is probably being too generous. This was partisan push-polling, pure and simple.
may that increase registration costs in future?
Quadruple it by next week. Have you not read the memo?
Oops, what do we have here now:
“ICANN faces first post-transition test of UN power (for real this time)” October 7, 2016