Welcome to the Daily Roundup for September 5, 2016
I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend not sure I did much buying and no selling.
Domain movements spotted by Mike
Former Marchex domain names sold by @GoDaddy/ @namefind:
- Hotfashions.com
- Worldwidegolf.com
- Softspot.com
- Smartsport.com
- JustTalk.com
- Buyersdepot.com
- Dailytravel.com
- Livearchive.com
- DirectRentals.com
- Luminaires.com
Sales by @GoDaddy/@namefind of our old domains:
- Lendmeyourears.com
- Sarasotawaterfrontrealestate.com
- Swingyourway.com
Other news
59Ten Labs, LLC of NYC acquires former Marchex owned domain name SkillBuilding.com from GoDaddy.
The Premium domain Finger. com was sold by infospace to OLIVER HOGER of VIRTUAL REAL.
Chinese Domain News
Kassey Lee reported:
TZS.com sold for $44k (295k yuan) in recent auction. TZS may mean 天之神 (heavenly God). Source: http://news.ename.cn/yumingjiaoyi_20160902_105894_1.html
KLG.com sold to well-known investor Yue DAI for more than $150k (1m+ yuan). KLG may mean 快乐购 (happy buying). Source: http://news.ename.cn/yumingjiaoyi_20160902_105905_1.html
4185.com sold for $18k (122k yuan) in September 2 auction. 4185 rhymes with 西医伴我 (western doctor being with me). Source: http://news.ename.cn/yumingjiaoyi_20160902_105895_1.html
0729.com sold for $20k (130k yuan) in September 2 auction. 0729 rhymes with 邻居爱酒 (neighbors love wine). Source: http://news.ename.cn/yumingjiaoyi_20160902_105895_1.html
Bitcoin/Crypto News
Female Entrepreneur Launches Bitcoin Exchange BitOasis in Dubai
Internet/Tech News
ArsTechnica -Amazon, Google, Apple… Fox News join Microsoft in US gagging orders fight
How much did SarasotaWaterFrontRealEstate.com sell for?