Radix has some news out today that the Consumer Electronics Show or CES has made the move from CESWEB.org to CES.Tech. This is a sensible change as CESWEB is a bit clunky. CES.com does not resolve and CES.org is a developed website for Cooperative Educational Services.
Here is the release:
Radix Registry today announced that the Consumer Electronics Show (popularly known as CES) has officially migrated from their old domain name WWW.CESWEB.ORG to the more relevant and defining CES.TECH.
The Consumer Electronics Show is the largest consumer technology trade show across the globe, attracting large tech brands and fledging startups. CES this year had an attendance of over 170,000 gathered at a 2.47M net square feet of exhibit space.
“We stand for innovation and the promise of a better world made possible by technology. CES® is well-known as the world’s foremost innovation event & we’re happy to have selected a domain name in .TECH that conveys what we stand for in a succinct way.” – Jeff Joseph, SVP, Communications and Strategic Relationships, Consumer Technology Association
In November 2015, CES’s parent company – the Consumer Technology Association, migrated from the 2-character .org domain name ce.org to CTA.TECH, demonstrating faith and belief in .TECH domains, which then was only 2 months into General Availability.
(link: http://www.circleid.com/posts/20151130_another_tech_leader_joins_tech/)
.TECH continues to garner attention from not only brands such as CES, Microsoft & Baidu, but also really cool tech startups, tech influencers and tech associations. You can find more information about these here (startup.tech). .TECH has seen a steady growth in registrations with over 100K domains and 600+ sites in the Alexa 1M in just 10 months; but its success and strength is defined by the global acceptance it has received from the tech sector since its launch.
.TECH has clearly made its mark as the defining moniker for the global technology industry.
It’s only a matter of time before more big names follow suit.
that is what happens when you cannot get the .com
i’m eager to see in 5 to 10 years all this brands moving back to .com and the standard gTLDs when all this gTLD hype has passed…
A lot better than CESWEB.ORG
Desperate move when you can’t get the .COM
They wanted to look cool, now they look broke with a garbage name.
I’m sure they could have striked a deal with Oracle for CES.COM, that would not have been cheap but they would appear first class with a fantastic brand.
From one bad domain to another. They still have the same problem they had last week.
Horseshit. You are the typical for com elitist. If the com and org are taken what should they do genius. If tech doesn’t make sense to you well that is your problem.
You mad, bruh?
Buy the .com or the .org, failing that a different .com.
Doing nothing would have been a better option than the path they have chosen, they’ll have to reverse it all in the future.
Reverse it why ? .tech is going nowhere and it makes sense for a company wanting an acronym involved in tech.
Are ther bad Todd and bad names ? Sure but this is not one of them.
They’ll see the problem once people start trying to use that web address, it is confusing.
You’re right about one thing; .tech is going nowhere.
This shows the trend: moving from long .com names to shorter new gTLD names that flow from left to right. Nevertheless, .com remains the best choice. Even Clinton and Sanders prominently show their .com names in their campaigns.
First off fuck Clinton and Sanders. There would be no reason for them to use a new g. Would CES.com be better of course it’s not available. Same with net and org.
CES.com is not used, with some negotiation, they can acquire the domain.
They should hire a domain broker and that would solve their branding problem for good.
CESTECH.com is loving this move.
Will need more servers prior when folks start registering for CES 2017.
I’d advise CES to purchase CES.COM, CES.NET, or CES.ORG — but it might not really matter.
CES.TECH is ok. Probably the best option of all the GTLDs.