6 .VIP domains sold for 1,334,000 CNY at West.cn according to a press release from Minds + Machines. The news was also reported on Ename.cn.
Press release from MMX.co
Six .VIP premium domains were auctioned on West.CN—a Chengdu-based registrar in China—on May 31st for a total of 1,334,000 CNY, or approximately 202,671 USD .
The 6 premium names sold were D.VIP, 66.VIP, YY.VIP, ZT.VIP, 555.VIP, and CCC.VIP.
The average price of the names sold on the auction was 220,000 CNY, or approximately 33,494 USD.
D.VIP sold for the highest price.
Ename reported figures for 66.Vip and 555.Vip
66.vip sold for 390k and 555.vip for 158k CNY in recent auction. 6 is a lucky number associated with Chinese idiom 六六大顺 (everything is going smoothly). 5 rhymes with 我 (I).
Translation courtesy of Kassey Lee
Was that one of those chinese “non-binding” auctions where the wining bidder just don’t pay after the auction and everyone is ok with it? Like the house.com and banana.com auction last year?
that is exactly on of them
Thought so..
Why even report about it then? Pathetic!
to keep the illusion going. the promises of big gains brings more people to the market, which drives price up and then we can all sell to them. simple.
Jose, as the China consultancy responsible for a great deal of the strategic planning and project execution, I guarantee on the >13 years of integrity that Allegravita has earned that every single .VIP auction sold thus far has been executed for cash money, with no fakes such as you suggest, and that every .VIP domain created via registrars in the .VIP zonefile has been sold at regular retail price, without freemium or similar schemes. China loves .VIP, as it loves many of our client TLDs such as .CLUB and others.
Thank you Simon for knocking down the pathetic trolls who speak without substance.
Saw the potential for VIP deciding to go with it, going with the gut.
Saw the potential for VIP deciding to go with it, going with the gut.
This is one where your gut is correct.
Even if half of the buyers walk away from these transactions, the mere fact that .VIP is getting such amazing coverage – 3 weeks after launch – is amazing. There’s no doubt that there’s a real buzz about .VIP.
This extension is destined to be the most talked about gTLD of 2016, and the existing opportunity is still enormous.
As I said in an earlier comment, this will never – and should never – have 5mm registrations; but any relevant name (e.g., luxury travel, people’s names, music) has massive potential for actual brand-building…which is the real key to the underlying value of .VIP.
Who bought 66.VIP?
A VIP Beast? 66.VIP — is that like the velvet rope section in Hell?