Virtual Reality has been a popular niche for domainers over the last few years. One of the most popular topics on Namepros. Below I have included reg stats over the last 30 days for “Virtual Reality”
There was a good article on Clickz that is worth a read for those investing in the Virtual Reality niche.
From the article:
It’s the year of virtual reality?!
The main industry sentiment I feel about VR today is impatience: for consumer adoption, for technology advancement, and for sustainable business models. The hype surrounding VR has created high expectations.
Deeply 3D, super immersive and interactive applications will require high-end equipment and therefore, will mainly be found in stores, showrooms, and amusement parks. Most people in the short term will experience VR on the VVR end of the spectrum, using their smartphone, which was likely not designed with VR in mind.
Everyone is looking for the right consumer-adoption metaphor. Is VR the next mobile Internet (revolutionary success), or is it the next 3D TV (flop, at least so far)? There’s a famous, but sadly apocryphal, quote where a journalist asked Zhou Enlai what he thought of the French Revolution and he replied, “It’s too soon to tell.”
I continue to find value in the reminder to take the (very) long view. We’re so conditioned to snap judgements and instant success or failure in the digital era that we tend to forget that things take time. We talked about “the year of mobile” for about a decade before it actually happened, and patience is going to be critical to VR’s success, as well.
Read the full story here
there has been much more certain investments: cloud, social, cryptocurrencies. even drones is a more feasible market than VR
Just looking at name pros certainly seems a lot more interest in virtual reality then crypto currency or drones,those threads are nowhere near as big.
Those guys are registering actual crap though.
Completely agree. I see so much crap in the NamePros VR threads…
The only feasible new technology that could really have an “internet” like impact on the world is blockchain.
money is where no one is looking into…
there’s room for more than one FHT…
I’ll do some research and start sharing
some info over on DG over the next few days…
blockchain ??
~Patricia — DomainBELL
p.s. Early Happy Easter to Everyone
I just finally figured out how to set my WP avatar
Gravatar… this post is post one with my picture
(smile) 3-24-16 1029pm EST
~Patricia Kaehler — Ohio USA — DomainBELL
Anyone holding VR domains will become quite satisfied with their investments in the next 18 – 36 months; I would almost guarantee it.
I own virtual reality domain, patents, technology, trademarks, and sites.
I launched AR/VR sites/apps in 2012. We turn down at least 10 offers per day, from Fortune 50 companies.
Zero interest in selling.
The first few years from 2016 with VR will be about Gaming and over this time there will be more awareness. There is a lot of active discussions on NamePros and I think it will take a lot longer to catch on than what they think. 5+ years IMO
Once you try the experience it can be addictive especially in a few more years when the tech advances where you can view images in real life. There is more seed funding in VR continually and it will be very useful in the future for social, entertainment, shopping, healthcare, real estate and more.
Nearly everyone has access to a mobile phone and this is where the adaption is much easier for VR and over time they will be the size of normal sun glasses and comfortable.
There is many major players in the VR development and just to name a few Facebook, Google, Samsung, Apple, Sony and many more…
Mark Zukerberg predicts it about 10 years away from becoming a major part of every day life with social interactions and you can actually be present in the VR world and feel like you are there with many special events recorded in VR for those purposes.
If you take the mobile phone over the past 5years for instance and how fast it has increase in graphic quality and features thanks to apps since 2011 (iPhone 4) it is easy to see how VR will adapted very quickly especially when fortune 500 companies and new start-up are all competing to have the be VR platform to offer.
I could be wrong but I put my money where my mouth is and have ensured Ive got a few good VR .com domains in my portfolio while wholesale prices are very ideal at the moment where you can pick up some great names at minimal prices $50 – $800. If you buy a few good domains before the trend hits then you have the best possible chance to catch that wave when it hits IMO.
We are seeing future and current trends on the move with Drones, Smart, VR, AR (Augment Reality), AI and cryptocurrencies could still have some good value just don’t be too specific and stick to Bitcoin.
You can monitor and get advanced insight if you follow daily sales using or of what might be a future trend. We are now seeing a lot more weekly sales of VR+keyword keyword+VR and Virtual domains which seem to be from speculating domain investors IMO.
You have a couple of choices sit by and do nothing or take a change and purchase a few and hope the catch another big future trend… IMO
Just remember we saw the same thing with 4L chips and 6N .com domains earlier last year and some took a chance while others sat by and said it was a waste. There is now a down turn and they currently dropping in value but those who had them at the right time made great ROI… Is VR, Virtual a future great investment? Maybe? Maybe not?
Its better to have a couple of good names than none at all? IMO
VR certainly puts paid to the myth of aged domains, I checked a couple from the NPros thread (China)
VR旅行 (travel) VR性 (sex) these were recent handreg, smart move.
VR will not be a flop like 3dtv, but it will not be THE next “big thing” IMO. 3D printing was (is) supposed to be the big thing. 3D (printing) is popular, but I’m not seeing big mass adoption, and we probably won’t; not on an everyday Joe consumer level anyway. Same thing with ‘holo’ (hologram) technology.
It’s about what can be done WITH the technology. VR will be big’ you can do a lot with it. But I see no other tech/concept that’s bigger, more versatile or broader than IoT., which will be a game changer for: currency, shopping/retail, advertisement, gaming/casino, sports, automotive, rental industry, etc, etc. It’s a complete game changer.
Good luck to all.
Would be if I had VRsex !!
I see no relevance with 3DTV. That failed over CATV and Satellite withdrawal from the tech in the US.
IMAX continued. And “True Stereoscopic 3D” continued to grow despite all that and actually evolved into VR.
That’s what Palmer Luckey was doing on MTBS3D when the concept for the Oculus Rift was created.
So those of you who don’t really know can continue making poor biz decisions from poor information and understanding. If you were not following this, You are to late to learn this one. It is fueled-up and ready to race.
VR has so many sub-niches. Most of the quality of the purchasing in the last year has been a bit embarrassing. But we have seen that with every niche in the last 15 years. There are many new to domaining in this niche.
Later this year and more so next year we will see results of pinned-up demand. Venture Capitalist want to see consumer acceptance of VR before opening their wallet. We should see that this year and so the funding of many start-ups.
Big uses will be in Entertainment, Social Media and Games. All of which will do well with a PC or a Mobile Device.
It is VR with mobile that is going to make the most “numerous” inroads.
If you don’t believe me, just look at the Oculus & Facebook investment/developments. They think so.
Good luck trying to stake a position here now.
Just noted:
I agree with your assessment. IOT will def be a game changer. Bigger than “cloud”. I see AR, not VR, gaining wide adoption, before VR, in education, travel, medicine, real estate, hospitality, military, and more.
So is the wide spread use or VR aiming to be more of a commercial use or gaming/porn?
I can understand how it may help in RE or Military but also understand reality to be even better
Ultimately that is the issue I see with VR, sure it’s cool but in the end its only a copy of what we have for real. Long term use likely to be more for lonely guys/gals.
With no disrespect, It sounds like you have not tried VR. For anyone else who thinks along the same lines…
It is very hard to argue against it once you have tried it.
But more important,it is not a normal domainer’s niche.
You do need to spend some time to understand the experience and the market capabilities to deliver it.
VR domains are more like buying a tech stock.
I would not suggest anyone buy into this niche until they do all the above.
Unless some new keywords emerge, the market has been over bought for nearly a year now anyway.
You will have to haggle with the present owner. No hand reg’s of any great keywords have been available.
Many a smart domain’r got the best keywords 2-5 years ago. Some have been held more than 10 years.
But things can change. It is early.
So Far, Quite a bit of activity “without a consumer product in the market”. That is going to change this year.
Blockchain, 3D printing.
VR related domains are really extremely popular, but as with any other niche, you need to have really quality name to make some significant sale. will not help much.
Anyone have any links to share related to the topics in this thread ??
GOOD places to go for INFO (industry info) on the topics…
not domain related but actual industries behind each category mentioned throughout this thread and comments…
You might try and search VR
But you may want to visit archives of sites to catch-up.
Blockchain Related Technologies:
thelegendaryjp @ “more for lonely guys/gals” VR A is used in Sports & medical training plus + + , as for porn none of the ones that I know are lonely, “a copy of what we have for real” just normal.
MaGoogle @ “No hand reg’s of any great keywords ” 1.6 bil population VR性 – vr女 – VR旅行 2 months. Home markets the linguistics are / will get shorter for generation X.
Taken a chance & just reg VR妆 com the romanised was gone (Chinese registrant)
妆 Baidu search 百度为您找到相关结果约100,000,000个 Google search 16,200,000 results, Short mobile friendly still possible.
I should revise my comments to
– no great keywords available “in the English Language”.
I don’t buy/play a language that I do not speak fluidly. Good advice for all. Google translate does not work well for this. Exact meaning is very important.
Some advise… google “search results” have no bearing on domains.
It is user “search terms” (not search results) that can have a bearing on value.
It is the difference of
“what they look for” AND “what they find from looking”.
Google Trends may help you make better decisions.
The term “POST” can be found in 6.6 billion pages but that does not mean there is a demand for the term in domains. Nobody is looking for it. Very few need it or want it. That helps determines value.
Agree re general search results. The thing is “妆” results are for a specific consumer market segment, “Post” is an ambiguous term. IMO 100,000,000 – 16,200,000 cannot be ignored. The VR term is early days, however it is already quite a widely know universal term although at this timeline not used in / as part of specific products, therefor one can only gain indications of the future by searching the specific product ranges omitting the VR from the search. Got up (guess we have all done this) in the middle of the night to check “cosméticos” 20,400,000 results.
Cosmetics =198,000,000 results. (VRcosmetics I think reg Information Updated: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:39:48 UTC)
Kinda like the idea of trying / testing cosmetics via VR, if not it was worth the punt although I do not speak Spanish or Chinese.
Been informed by Chinese domainers Never mix Chinese characters with English names. Change to pinyin as the mix is useless, apparently everyone knows this, I did not but posting as a red flag to others. Live & learn.