At noon Eastern (1600 UTC) EAP starts for .online. A million domains have the word ‘online’ in them. Back when Go Daddy was reporting monthly sales figures, online was always one of the most popular keywords tied to sales.
One week from today .Online will enter general availability. Leave a comment with how many .online domains you think will be registered after the first 24 hours of GA. The person closest to the actual number will win a free (non premium) .online domain courtesy of Radix.
Radix will use their internal number for the number of registrations, data from third party reporting sites is of no relevance. Radix will report what their exact numbers are 24 hours after GA commences.
10,000 .ONLINE after the first 24H of GA
you may wanna go higher mate!
8,698 .online domains 24 hours after general availability.
30,000 to 35,000 domain names and i think they will beat .club in few months.
You need an exact number for the contest. Thank you.
All the good keywords are reserved, I love it when an address is stated as NEXT TO SUBWAY
32,670 registrations in first 24 hours.
So, any news on first day numbers?
13,675 in the first 24 hrs of general availability…
25,600 domains!
“Online” is a popular generic keyword, used for common definitions of many internet services. but, the .ONLINE domain has a weak point because of it’s length. thinking about it, URL’s such as “” are starting to be more popular then the old fashion “” URL’s so it’s not an easy guess.
Also, the amount of registered .ONLINE domains after the first 24 hours of GA is dependent on the news coverage about it while the domain is on EAP stages so for a wild guess I would go with the number of 15,234 .ONLINE domain registrations in the first day of its GA.
just wanted to fix this mistake…
Last week I posted my comment and honestly I was thinking about posting the number of 54,321 registrations for this contest but after looking at the replays here and reading about Radix Predictions of 15,000+ .Online Registrations at launch… I was starting to get the wrong feeling i’m guessing incorrect numbers… now i know my first predictions was right because there are twice more registrations already!
I am going to guess that there will be 23,555 registrations.
My prediction is 22,800 registrations for .ONLINE after the first 24H of GA.
7654 Domains after 24h GA. Dot online will need some time to gain a user base.