WebpageFX.com did a nice infograph of the 100 most expensive cost per click advertising keywords in 2015 and they range from $670.44 down to $273.33. I have parked a fair amount of domain names in my life and never had a 3 figure click payout but I also do not have that many “legal” domain names and relating keywords but 78% of the 100 most expensive keywords are in the legal vertical according to the article.
The article also states that “three out of every four people looking for attorneys use online resources, and one out of three people in the US will seek legal counsel in their lifetime.”
The most expensive term, is “San Antonio car wreck attorney” at $670.44 per click
SanAntonioCarWreckAttorney.com was registered July 31, 2015 by a Joseph Stucki, parked and hoping to make some of that $670.44 off of Google and the Attorney’s paying out the cash per click! Smart man Joseph! Get that domain ranking and sell the leads!
Chris Zook wrote the story on WebpageFX.com on July 30, 2015 to note, so Joseph may have read the article?
Another interesting note, the WebpageFX.com story did not mention “domain” or “domain name” once in the article. The last time I checked, domain names are what allow individuals/companies an avenue to avoid paying those insane CPC costs and rank naturally… so that drove me to write this article and it just shows you that everybody looks at things differently. A domain investor takes in data and instantly thinks “domain name” whois query, registrar… etc. This is something that drives the value of domain names that many often overlook.
After the legal keywords, the remaining categories followed were: water damage, insurance, drug/alcohol, online education and business services according to the article.
Online education and its matching domain name (also known as a “category killer”) was recently sold in 2015 by Quinstreet Inc. according to whois records and I found it interesting in the article that states “Online education is a huge cash crop for colleges and universities. University of Massachusetts’ online program generates $78 million in revenue alone. And still, that’s just one small piece of the entire online education industry, which is predicted to top out at $107 billion this year.”
$107 Billion dollar industry. Nice! One school rolling in $78 Million in revenue. Nice!
If your wondering Online.education is reserved by the registry Donuts.
CPC is one thing but the people/companies paying the ad cost have to be making it as well. Add in huge ad savings by owning specific matching domain names (no limit to how many you can own, use and have) and it amazes me that the most expensive keyword was available to register by anybody the day the article was published!
You can checkout the infograph for the 100 most expensive keywords for 2015 by clicking that link.
To note, since it is an “infograph” it’s a picture, so all keyword sets are in a “picture” and not a list.
I did not check the whole list personally to see how many domains were available/registered but I did randomly check about 20 keyword sets as .com domain names and of the 20 that I checked, 3 matching .com domain names were available to register. So in general, no all matching terms are registered as domain names.
Great Info…
thanks for sharing…
What would the infographic creator have used to find that data ??
Hi Patricia! I work for WebpageFX and helped create the infographic.
Our primary source of data is from SEMrush.com who internally tracks Google searches and PPC results. We contacted them and they were able to give us the data for the top 100. We just visualized it!
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Thanks for this information Jamie.
Does this mean that parking and PPC really aren’t dead for domainers? How does a domain investor make a cut of that from Google, or can they?
A parking provider that uses Google stream, which most do. You could also use adsense on a website you own. The exact payout is not known but several getting money off the plate… Google, Google, Google, Parking company, domain owner
Thanks. Yes I really have to wonder how much would trickle down to the rest of us at all with parking or Adsense. Is anyone getting $xxx per click and just not talking about it? Adam Dicker was talking about lead gen sites on a DomainSherpa video a while back and the good deals he was arranging, and I’ll bet he’s doing better than PPC for attorneys if he’s still doing that. But he may know how to wheel and deal and negotiate things like that with the people who pay, while not necessarily all of us are cut out for that and everything related to it. I’d be happy just to get a genuine good cut of ppc at that level.
Looks like he’s already sold the domain name to a law firm!
SanAntonioCarWreckAttorney.com now redirects to http://tellezlawgroup.com/.
Looks like he’s already sold it to law firm — SanAntonioCarWreckAttorney.com now redirects to TellezLawGroup.com
Great article, thanks for sharing
According to //court.house, there are over 3,400 attorneys / law firms in San Antonio! Wow http://court.house/?location=San+Antonio%2C+TX&radius=29
SanAntonioCarWreck.Attorney was registered on August 12th…
Smart also
horoscope.lol runs
Great post Jamie,
Great infograph by WebpageFX.com.
They couldn’t have said it better, I strongly believe it is worthwhile to invest in a good domain name than spending great deal of money in advertising cost. This is the way new Startups should go.