Welcome to the latest Domain Movers where we detect domain names on the move and the majority all relate to large corporations. Some of the following domain names have been purchased from a previous owner, some registered and some are simply moving for one reason or another.
Here we go with the latest domain mover series:
Time Inc. has secured the domain name PeopleStyle.com from a Joseph Saviano of Localposts LLC of New York. The domain name had a $7,500 listing at Sedo, but that listing remains. The domain name was using Revenue Direct at the time of registrant change and has been registered since November 23, 2003.
Orb Networks Inc. has sold the domain name Orb.com, which has been registered since November 10, 1992. The domain name appears to have sold at Sedo according to whois records and the buyer is currently unknown, but the domain has transferred to eNom. Qualcomm Connected Experiences, Inc. had acquired Orb Networks in 2013 as stated on the domain prior and currently on OrbNetworks.com.
It is unclear if Qualcomm acquired all assets from the company when they acquired Orb Networks, as that would suggest who the actual seller may be. I did reach out to the past CEO of Orb Networks Joe Costello and to Qualcomm but have not heard back at time of publication.
Marksmen has helped a currently unknown client acquire the domain name Puppet.us
Duels.com which has long showed DnStination Inc. in whois records over the years and was registered at MarkMonitor transferred to GoDaddy under privacy protection in January 2015 and was listed for sale at GoDaddy with a minimum offer of $50,000. The domain name now has transferred back to MarkMonitor and back under the DnStination Inc. generic whois data.
It is not clear if the domain name changed ownership and or if the domain did sell, who the sellers were if that was the case etc. ChallengeGames.com was the owner prior according to whois history records, which Zynga acquired in 2010. I have seen Zynga move domain names from MarkMonitor TO GoDaddy under privacy protection, so from my experience, may be Zynga listed the domain for sale and has sold it and the buyer happens to be another MarkMonitor client or maybe just a new tactic of trying to sell it?
The domain is resolving to a for sale lander on MarkMonitor now with a contact form.
ArrowLED.com has been acquired from HugeDomains.com by a currently unknown MarkMonitor client. To note, Arrow Electronics, Inc is a potential buyer as they are a MarkMonitor client.
Spil Games has registered the domain names Honey-Match.com and Honey-Match.fr as well as Honey-Match.de and HoneyMatch.fr and currently do not own the matching .com without the hyphen. HoneyMatch.com is listed for sale via Sedo and has had 4 offers according to the domains listing page.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Metlife) has acquired the domain name MPCG.com. The domain name had an offering price of $33,000 on Afternic but that listing still remains. The domain name was using DomainNameSales.com at the time of ownership change. The domain name was owned by Name Administration Inc. (Frank Schilling).
Blackberry Limited registered the domain name ProtectedByBlackberry.com which may relate with the last domain registrations that I wrote about by Blackberry, AndroidSecured.com |.net that caused a lot of buzz.
Twitter Inc. registered the domain names TwitterSafeCenter.com and TwitterSafetyCenter.com. They also registered VineSafetyCenter.com.
Ambev S.A. has registered the domain name WeAllLoveBeer.com adding to its other 1,100+ domain name portfolio.
General Mills Inc. registered the domain name CelebrateInTheSun.com adding to its 2,500+ other domain names.
GoDaddy.com has sold the domain name OpenWheel.com which was part of its Marchex domain name portfolio purchase. The domain has been registered since January 26, 2002. The buyer is currently unknown as the domain is in Afternic Escrow. The term often relates to auto racing.
Amazon Technologies has registered several new domain names and those include: AmazonPrimeCard.com, AmazonPrimeCredit.com, AmazonPrimeCreditCard.com and AmazonPrimeStoreCard.com. Amazon actually quietly announced the card in March 2015.
Lincoln Global, Inc. which is a subsidiary of Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. has allowed the generic domain name HandTorch.com to expire? and the domain was grabbed on the drop at GoDaddy.com on July 22, 2015 by a David Cheng according to whois records. Prior to dropping, the domain name had a registrant email address of trademarks@hahnlaw.com and was registered with brand protection service MarkMonitor. Lincoln offers several different “hand torch” products according to a quick Google search.
HandTorch.com was registered since May 30, 2007 prior to being released from the registry and was owned by Torchmate and a Bill Kunz in 2007. Lincoln Global, Inc. appeared in whois records as registrant on or about September 15, 2011 with renewal out to May 30, 2014 at that time. On April 29, 2014 the domain was renewed until May 30, 2015. A June 1, 2015 whois record as did a June 12, 2015 showed the domain was renewed until May 30, 2016.
It was announced on July 29, 2011 that Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. acquired all of the assets of Applied Robotics, Inc. and the Torchmate brand.
CNCGrinder.com, RoboticCutter.com and HydroCutter.com were also dropped by the company.
I reached out to the company for comment but did not receive a reply back.
Allergan / Actavis, Inc. have launched a new ad campaign focusing on the term Actually She Can and registered the matching domain name ActuallySheCan.com on March 27, 2015. They also use the hash tag #actuallyshecan and have built a dedicated site on ActuallySheCan.com.
American Sports Licensing, Inc. (Dick’s Sporting Goods) is launching two new stores under the new brand name Chelsea Collective, with a focus on women’s athletic-wear according to a recent MediaPost.com article.
A quote from within the MediaPost.com article grabbed my attention and was “Local marketing for each location will begin closer to the grand opening dates, says Lauren Hobart, SVP, Dick’s Sporting Goods/general manager, Chelsea Collective. “Tactics include direct mail, email, social media, digital media and other traditional avenues, and our Web site is also live, which will help us introduce the brand to future customers,” she says.”
Specifically the part where Lauren Hobart stated “and our Web site is also live”. IMO, nice to mention the “web site” but stating something in a general term only leaves the consumer guessing what the web address (aka Domain Name) to actually visit the site is.
In this case, since it is a new brand name, is it Chelsea.com? No. Dicks.com? No, not really. ChelseaCollective.com? Yes. “and our Web site ChelseaCollective.com is also live” would have been a better choice, no?
Anyway, American Sports Licensing, Inc. acquired the domain name according to whois records from a Anthony Zillmer of New York, New York who registered the domain April 18, 2013 according to whois records. The Treadstone Group, Inc. helped in acquiring the domain name from Anthony on or about January 28, 2015.
Do you like the brand name choice for women’s active wear?
Disney Enterprises, Inc. registered the domain name MasherApp.com and under the ABC, Inc. division registered the domain name UpLateWithMissPiggy.com
Riot Games registered the domain names BattleMeld.com |.net|.org . The .com recently dropped and was registered at GoDaddy prior and grabbed by DomainsAtCost.ca Corp on behalf of MarkMonitor.
More than likely, she did mention ChelseaCollective.com but the editors at MediaPost.com likely edited it out to keep MediaPost.com visitors from leaving the site to go to ChelseaCollective.com — gotta hold onto their audience to sell more advertising, you know.
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