RightoftheDot.com (ROTD) will be conducting a Premium Online Domain Auction in cooperation with the leading Chinese Domain auction company 4.CN and in association with DomainFest.asia which will be held in Macau China, September 4th through 7th, 2015.
ROTD has officially opened up submissions for the auction which will run from September 2 through September 10th catered to the Chinese and Western end user, corporate and domain investor markets.
The Auction will be online only since the Domainfest.asia conference is being held during the Labor Day holiday in the United States and we wanted to make sure that those in the US didn’t miss out.
The online auction will be on 4.CN platform, which has done millions of dollars in domain name sales.
Obviously we are gearing submission for a Chinese audience so we are looking for LL.com, LLL.com, LLLL.com, LLLLL.com domain names (without vowels) NN.com NNN.com, NNNN.com and NNNNN.com’s and words that have relevancy and meaning in the Chinese markets.
We are focusing on very premium names and some new gTLD’s in the mix but from registries.
As you might have seen over the weekend the domain name 358.com sold for $480,000 on SnapNames.com
358.com was a dropped domain so it had no reserve when it entered into a closed auction of just 221 people and was into the six figures in just hours after the auction launched, so we don’t need nor will we accept retail prices as reserves.
We need great domains at attractive prices to encourage bidding.
Not retail pricing.
Believe me a great three number domain or LLL.com domain isn’t going to go cheap regardless of reserve.
If 358.com was privately owned and had a $500K reserve it may not have even gotten a bid.
Reserves prices, as they always have played a big role in the decision of what domain names will be accepted into the auction and more importantly sell in the auction.
You have to believe in the market and the value of your domain.
The 4.CN platform will be in English as well as Chinese and bidding will be available in USD and RMB (Chinese Yuan).
All transactions will be cleared through DN.cn which is a worldwide escrow company.
Submit no more than 50 domain names that meet the above criteria to info@RightoftheDot.com
As you can see we are just about 6 weeks out to the end of the auction so we are going to be making decisions quickly on what domains will be accepted to the auction.
The conference is on pace to have 150+ signups
DOMAINfest .asia will be held at the beautiful Grand Hyatt Macau and will feature Keynotes by Jeff Sass of .Club and Gregg MacNair
Speakers include (with more expected)
Monte Cahn of RightoftheDot.com
Tessa Holcomb of Igloo.com
Michael Gilmour of ParkLogic.com
Edmon Chung, CEO of .ASIA
Simon Cousins, CEO of Allegravita
Jothan Frakes, co-founder of NamesCon and DOMAINfest
Some of the sponsors of DOMAINfest.Asia are:
Neustar / .CO
“We need great domains at attractive prices to encourage bidding. Not retail pricing.”
Michael, do YOU sell your premium domain names for attractive prices, not retail prices?
The idea is to set reserve at a price that will attract multiple bidders they by getting your price or even exceeding your price.
Again look at the recent example of 358.com which was at auction at no reserve and sold for $480,000
You have to believe in the auction and in this case 4.cn which has consistently gotten some very nice sales.
An auction is not the same as quoting a price to a buyer.
Auction + escrow comission fees?
If the Chinese Stock market crash (not saying is going to happen just playing with a possiblee scenario) …
would that scare Asian domain investors or have the opposite effect and actually attract even more investors…? looking for alternatives
What is the auction commission ?
please send any questions about the auction to info@rightofthedot.com
Why isn’t the commission being publicly posted ?