A bunch of UDRP have been filed in the last couple of days Walmart which previously filed and won a UDRP on the domain name Walmart.horse just filed a UDRP on the domain name Walmart.beer and Walmart.vodka.
Google filed a UDRP on the 11-year-old domain name GoogleArt.com
Beyonce filed two separate UDRP for the domain names BeyonceShop.com which was registered in 2009 and & Beyonceshopping.com which was registered last year.
Beyonce.com does own Beyonce.com.
Elizabeth Arden filed a UDRP on the domain name elizabetharden.info
Capital One won three UDRP s getting the domain names
Us Air filed a UDRP on the domain name usairway.org
Nationwide insurance filed a UDRP on the domain name Nationwideonmyside.com
Oculus filed a UDRP over the domain name oculusrift.com which is being used for a fan site. You can read more about this case here
Twitch.tv filed 4 separate UDRP going after typos;
Golden Title Loans, LLC which owns the domain name 745cash.com won a UDRP on the domain name 745-cash.com
WeedMaps.com won a UDRP on the domain name WeedMaps.co
Yahoo won a UDRP on the domain name YahooReservation.com which was first registered in 2003.
Saks & Company won a UDRP on the domain TheSaks.com
Calvin Klein won a UDRP on the domain name CalvinKleinParfum.com
Don’t understand why Walmart would have to do this.
It would seem that that ICANNs Trademark protection mechanisims for New GTLD have been a total fail.
These UDRPs are very interesting, I look forward to the rulings of the pending cases.