The Republican Presidential Candidate & Governor Of Wisconsin, Scott Walker has gotten a new gTLD domain name SW.Gop.
The domain name is currently resolving to the Governor’s instagram account.
The Governor already owns the domain name so it will be interesting to see what he does with
According to the Governor’s Twitter account @ScottWalker the site on the domain is due to launch today at 5:59PM CT.
We will let you know what the SW.Gop site is carrying later today.
We questioned in a post a few months ago why no Republican major political candidate or office holder seemed to own a .GOP domain. It’s good to see that has now changed.
The domain name was purchased in March 2012 for $7,500, according to
Scott Walker does not own the domain name that domain name is reserved and does not resolved.
Nice to see that politicians are investing in the New gTLD’s. There’s hope for some of them yet.
He’ll most likely follow the other presidential candidates and stick to
This morning, for me, redirects to
That’s a smarter way to make use of it.