A UDRP has been filed to gain control of the domain name SharkTank.com
The domain, SharkTank.com is registered to a Jeff Thomas of North Carolina.
According to DomainTools.com the domain was registered in 2000 by Legal Solutions, Inc
In 2003 the domain name ownership changed to LeaveLaw.com, Inc. with Jeff Thomas showing as the contact meaning that Mr. Thomas appears to have controlled the domain since at least 2003.
The Television Show Shark Tank first premiered on ABC in 2009.
The domain name currently does not resolve and has been lightly used according to Screenshots.com over the years but never parked.
The Complainant is not listed but we have to assume its ABC and/or the producers of the show that filed the UDRP.
Shark Tank is produced by Mark Burnett who is the producer for many reality TV shows including the Apprentice, Survivor and The Voice to name a few .
It should be a clear winner for Mr. Thomas assuming he defends himself and asks for a three member panel.
According to Alexa.com the domain name SharkTank.com has a worldwide rank of 1.7 million in traffic.
We will keep our eye on this one and let you know how it turns out.
There’s a strong chance the owner is a lawyer, see screenshot from 2004.
Hall Of Shame
Perhaps someone should contact him to make sure he does the right thing for the industry instead of allowing what we have seen so many times before. Would be nice to see an RDNH ruling though it seems unlikely.
Another suggestion is to possibly invite the guy to come here and say something. That might be interesting and would certainly “make good blog” as well as get him aware of the realities of things if he is not already and is at risk of allowing another head scratching debacle like we’ve seen before.
Why dont they just register a .me, .xyz, .tv, .wales, .pw, .company, .us, .network, .in……well u guys get the picture, with all theses new gtlds they have plenty to choose from…they were late to the party now they just want to use emminant domain and bulldoze and take someone elses property. Something needs to be done about these UDRPs because everyone had the same opportunity, first come first served. Now that seems to be taken away day by day with these UDRPs…unless these registrations were blatant and obvious one should be able to keep whats theirs
He probably (rightfully) asked a lot of money for the domain name and now they feel entitled to the domain name just because they have a show with the same name that started SIX years after the owner registered the domain name. Stay classy, ABC.
The show is called Shark Tank for a reason. But they may get harpooned!!
What a shameful abuse of the UDRP. The logical next step is adopted protections for rightful registrants resulting in substantial financial penalty for illegitimate UDRP claims.
I am not sure it is a slam dunk case. There have been some crazy UDRP decisions. The panel may say that by not using the domain, and continually renewing it, the owner lost his rights to it. Assuming they are a law firm and not a aquatic shark tank type company, they would have a lot of potential trademark issues if they start using the Shark Tank name (without the .com) now that the show is so popular, since it appears they have not been using it in their business. If the owner can’t use it anymore for the purpose they bought it for, it could be interpreted that they are squatting it. I am not saying I agree with this, but stranger UDRP decisions have happened.
>”I am not sure it is a slam dunk case. There have been some crazy UDRP decisions.”
Exactly why I posted as I did above and hope someone acts on it in case the current owner is not so well equipped to address the matter.
shark tank was a popular term long before the show…
Agreed which is why I say I hope the owner files a response, even if he is an attorney, hires an attorney who has successful defended UDRP’s and he asks and pays for a three member panel.
If he decides to represent himself and go with 3 member panel, he needs to be made aware of which panelists have half a brain.