The number of new gTLD registrations has topped 6 million according to
Lets break down the numbers by looking at the difference from our last report published on April 10th, when new gTLD domain registrations broke the 5 Million mark (Referred to as the April Report or April numbers)
.Science owned by Famous Four Media added 200,000 registrations.
.Science was launched and heavily promoted by which gave away 50K or more free domains and has been selling them for $.49 thereafter.
.Party another free/$.49 domain Famous Four extension added around 180,000 registrations.
.Webcam another Famous Four Media Extension went the free/$.49 route after its intial launch and added some 45,000 registrations since April
So basically 1/2 of all the new gTLD registrations from 5 million to 6 were Famous Four new domain extensions that were given away for free or for $.49
.XYZ picked up another 75,000 or so registrations selling for around $2 or less in the Asian markets.
.Club picked up abut 40,000 more registrations including 10K on its one year anniversary when it sold domains for $1.
.Top which is a low priced domain registration bought mostly in Asia picked up 40,000 registrations.
As far as anything new that launched in the last few months .porn and .adult lead the way with a combined 18K or so registrations and the only new gTLD that I can find (other than the one’s cited above) that launched since our April post andg ained more than 10K registrations.
In other major changes from our April report is now the 2nd largest registrar of new gTLD domain names with over 480,000 domains representing more than 8% of all new gTLD domain names, only surpassed to Godaddy which has over 770,000 new gTLD domain registrations. Back In our April report report had less than 1K registrations.
It should be noted just a handful of new gTLD extension have started expiring and deleting most of which are Donuts Strings.
The biggest loss of domain registrations on its first renewal appears to be .Guru which was around 83,000 registrations in April and now has around 68K
The number of new gTLD’s registration by Donuts sits at 1,363,369.
Back in April Donuts registrations stood at 1,348,347 so basically a net gain of just about 15,000 domains in two months out of the 1 million additional new gTLD’s
The number of registered .com sits at 118,256,280 according to Verisign, back in April .com domain registrations were below 118M.
Dayne says
Thank you.
frank.schilling says
The thing nobody really appreciates or feels when it comes to new GTLDs is that lots of these additions are based on a snapshot of today. Time keeps marching forward. Tomorrow you or some of the early speculators will stop buying or slow down. A new guy (call him Frank) who has never heard of a domain name and didn’t even know about all this will discover new GTLDs and say “holy cow.. I can get a pretty good name for $5 and flip it for $500”.. Frank hasn’t had a taste of the big life and is working out of the spare bedroom in his house weekends and after work. Then there are the new speculators in India and China.. They are all figuring this stuff out for the first time. The cycle will repeat across all these new extension with the same animal-spirits that drove early investments in .com. Some folks will drop out, others will come in, but the market (overall) will grow. 6 million will become 12mm, then 22 million. A 6 years will go by and we’ll wake to 35mm names. and it will keep growing from there. More people coming online, more new people, old people passing on and selling their names, consolidation, lower price names, speculation, trading.. Lots of growth on all fronts. It’s all rather exciting and here we are at the very beginning with the luxury of picking anything we want. It was Sam Clemens better known by his pen-name “Mark Twain” who said: “In order to be successful, figure out where the people are going and get there first.” Mr Twain was speaking about Florida real estate but he may as well have come up with the perfect metaphor for new GTLDs. History may not repeat, but it rhymes.
Domo Sapiens says
Numbers don’t lie.
regged by the millions:
$.49 domains
for free or for $.49
$2 or less
FREE Domains
Supply and ….
Mason Cole says
Frank, it’s already rhyming. As Michael broached the comparison—comparing the change in .com (that is, the net increase in the number of .com names) to the change in new gTLDs—all of the net increase in .com (a couple of hundred thousand names in the period) were new .com names deeply discounted with marketing rebates. And our estimate is that far more than a few hundred thousand new .com names were discounted during this period.
At the effective price of $1 retail (not the wholesale price quoted for new TLDs like .xyz), the real headline is there’s a very substantial difference between the few hundred thousand dollars in net new .com bookings and the millions of dollars in net new TLD bookings by Donuts alone in May (even not counting new names in new TLDs sold at $1 or less).
New registris each have their own pricing plans. Some have deep discounts or rebate programs—apparently .xyz does and feels no need to hide it. Some, like .sucks, have gone the other way and have taken flack for blatantly high prices.
The true picture would also mention the small increase (and shrinking by the day) in the .com zone file, a shrinking attributed to the discarding of the rebate-marketed new .com names registered last year.
Domain Shame says
The true picture is people that buy and domain names make money the people that try to sell donuts domain names aren’t making any money as far as I can see.
Michael Berkens says
I’m glad Donuts is making money but that doesn’t do anything for me or any other domain name registrant.
Domain investors are only concerned about if we make money, like you are only concerned whether Donuts makes money.
The measure of success IMHO will be paid registrations, renewal rates, adoption rates and the number and amount of domains that sell on the aftermarket.
On this weeks Sedo report you realzise there were more domain sales of .cc then all new gTLD’s combined?
7 .cc sold and 5 new gTLD’s
Not inpressive
If .Com discounted domain registration to registrars a year ago that had nothing to do with us either, with the except of registration of 1 domain with a coupon I don’t see the consumers of .com paying less.
‘m still paying the same amount to backorder a dropping domain, those that go to auction that I used to get for a few hundred I’m in the $x,xxx range and getting outbid.
.com is still having a net gain everyday except Sunday over 43K on Tuesday over 24K yesterday percetagewise its not a huge percentage increase but we don’t see 36K net losses like we did yesterday when the 1st of .Berlin free domains drop.
.XYZ is under 885,000 domains now as their free domains are starting to drop and are losing over 4k a day
To Donuts credit you haven’t engaged in the free or nearly free giveaway but the whole gTLD program is getting tainted with all these free giveaways.
Frank sold yesterday for $25K.
That is a top 10 domain in that extension so a pretty unremarkable sale IMHO.
If you can only get $25K for that domain what is another pretty good domain like worth?
Of course was registered by Franks North Sound Names so no domain investor ever had a chance to register it.
Oh yeah also owned by North Sound Names