According to, average monthly domain name registrations in India has more than doubled to 4% of all global registrations, citing figures from web-hosting company BigRock.
China, accounts for 20-22%t of monthly new domain name registrations globally.
BigRock hosts websites for Warner Brothers, Fiat India, Adidas,, HP Gas, Star Network, and Kotak Securities, among others and competes with larger players like GoDaddy, HostGator and Net4India.
There are now 232 million Internet users in India, which is growing over 37% per year and 65% of India users access the Internet from mobile phones.
India offers something unique with India’s Hindi – English linguistics with many Sanskrit generic words/terms used throughout India but not yet as search terms. The brand development of romanised keywords as search terms. Shaadi (marriage) Yatra (trip) Khel (games/sport/play) Sasta (cheap) Muft (free) being the perfect example of generic, cognitive terms with national identity/These everyday keyword terms are cognitive to future mass markets on-line and are tomorrows opportunities in today’s timeline. (more often than not the (A)at the end of a word is not used although shown in translations) Chhe6 (dot) com is a good example of projects.
Those who are interested in what’s happening in the Indian startup eco-system, and in particular, the dynamics of Indian venture capital
What else can someone expect. The two countries have the population.
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