Google is planning on launching buy buttons in mobile search only, there will not be buttons when someone searches on desktop. One has to wonder how all the advertisers who spend big money on Adwords will feel about this. Engadget stated there are several reasons why this will be mobile only. The biggest reason ? Mobile searches outpacing desktop searches. The Wall Street Journal is responsible for breaking the story.
From Engadget:
Google’s getting ready to face Amazon and eBay, according to The Wall Street Journal, and will be adding buy buttons directly to its search results. You’ll see those buttons accompanying sponsored results under a “Shop on Google” heading — they won’t be used for non-sponsored links returned by the algorithm — when you search for products on mobile devices. Upon clicking one, a separate product page will load where you can pick sizes, colors and ultimately complete your purchase. Any product you buy will still come straight from retailers, the WSJ says, so it doesn’t sound like Google’s stocking up warehouses with goods like Amazon does.
However, some major retailers are apparently worried that they’ll get stuck with back-end order fulfillment with no real customer interaction. Since Google wants to remain in good terms with them (they are some of its largest advertisers, after all), it will give shoppers the choice subscribe to their marketing programs. That typically means mailing lists and the like, so the company’s giving them access to customers’ info, most likely names and addresses.
Read the full story on Engadget
This could also boost the new Gtlds imho , if someone sets up a retail or affiliate site and the person asks Siri or speaks to their android “cool gifts” or “send flowers” and it offers up a buy it button . This could be a good thing for exact match right and left of the dot urls.
The big G wants to get its hands into everything.
This is HUGE…and not in a good way…well except for Big G, they have another sector the can suck dry now to keep the shareholders satisfied a little longer.
Ya, this will help a lot in conversion. We tried the same for B2B lead generation it worked for us