.Poker launched into general availability yesterday and including those domain names registered by trademark holders in the Sunrise period and those Landrush applications that were awarded uncontested, .Poker finished the day with 1,342 registrations.
.Poker is not one of the cheap gTLD extensions with non-premium domains selling for around $50 and some premium domains selling for into the $x,xxx range
About 800 domain names were registered yesterday.
.Science is racked up 5 figures in domain registrations yesterday and blew past the 150,000 mark.
.Science added over 13,000 domain name registrations yesterday and is now sitting at 152,284 registrations passing .Wang and .Tel and most certainly will pass .Berlin today.
.Ninja which has started a promotion with domain registrations as low as $.99 a domain added over 1,300 domain reigstrations yesterday moving over the 40K domain name mark.